One of my PhD projects investigates the impact that songs have on meritocratic beliefs and social inequalities. One of the things that I would like to explore is the potential impact that certain words have when sung in a specific chord. This idea comes from the well-know effect that music (in terms of sounds) has on emotions (Arjmand, Hohagen, Paton, & Rickard 2014) and from the consideration that beliefs are intrinsically multi-sensory. That is, when asking people about their beliefs, the question inevitabily taps the perceptual information that has been encoded and stored during previous experiences. But this is another story.
While thinking through the theoretical aspects, I also spent sometime working the first lines of code to get the data aligned with the way I was thinking. In this process, I encountered the R package chorrrds
, built to extract chords from the website Cifraclub. Building upon the functions of this package, I implemented two functions that allow to match the words of a song with the corresponding chords in which these words are sung. In this blog post, I will explain the features of these two functions and how to use them in a practical example.
The package chorrrds
can be installed from CRAN, with
and for the latest version, from GitHub with:
# install.packages("devtools")
Function 1: create_dat
Generally, this is how a song looks on the internet (specifically, on Cifraclub):
Figure 1: Sweet Life by Frank Ocean
As you can see, each verse is sung with one or more chords. The problem is how to match each word with the corresponding chord in which they are played. For example, in the first verse, “The best song wasn’t the single, but you weren’t either”, the words “The best song wasn’t” are played in A, “the single, but you weren’t” are played in C, and “either” is in G. How to connect each of these words with the corresponding chords A, C, G? The first step consists of having a song divided by verse, both for the chords and the lyrics, something that is achieved with the function create_dat
chords.dat <- chorrrds::create_dat("Frank Ocean", "Sweet Life")
This produces the following output:
## # A tibble: 40 x 2
## chord lyric
## <chr> <chr>
## 1 "a c g " " the best song wasn't the single, but you weren't either"
## 2 "d a" " livin' in ladera heights, the black beverly hills"
## 3 "c g " " domesticated paradise, palm trees and pools"
## 4 "d " " the water's blue, swallow the pill"
## 5 "a c" " keepin' it surreal, whatever you like"
## 6 "g d" " whatever feels good, whatever takes you mountain high"
## 7 "a c" " keepin' it surreal, not sugar-free"
## 8 "g " " my tv ain't hd, that's too real"
## 9 "d a" " grapevine, mango, peaches, and limes, the sweet life"
## 10 "c g" " the sweet life, sweet life"
## 11 "d " " sweet life, sweet life"
## 12 "c g" " sweet life, the sweet life"
## 13 "d " " sweetie pie"
## 14 "a c" " you've had a landscaper and a house keeper since you were born"
## 15 "g d" " the sunshine always kept you warm"
## 16 "a c" " so why see the world, when you got the beach"
## 17 "g d" " don't know why see the world, when you got the beach"
## 18 "c g" " the best song wasn't the single, but you couldn't turn your radio down"
## 19 "d a" " satellite need a receiver, can't seem to turn the signal fully off"
## 20 "c g" " transmitting the waves"
## 21 "d " " you're catching that breeze 'til you're dead in the grave"
## 22 "a c" " but you're keepin' it surreal, whatever you like"
## 23 "g d" " whatever feels good, whatever takes you mountain high"
## 24 "a c g" " keepin' it surreal, not sugar-free, my tv ain't hd, that's too real"
## 25 "d " " grapevines, mango, peaches, and lime, a sweet life"
## 26 "c " " a sweet life, yeah"
## 27 "g d" " a sweet life, a sweet life"
## 28 "c g d" " live and die in the life"
## 29 "a c" " you've had a landscaper and a house keeper since you were born, yeah"
## 30 "g d" " the sunshine always kept you warm"
## 31 "a c" " so why see the world, when you got the beach"
## 32 "g d" " don't know why see the world, when you got the beach"
## 33 "a c" " and the water, is exactly what i wanted"
## 34 "g d" " it's everything i thought it would be (thought it would be)"
## 35 "a c" " but this neighborhood is gettin' trippier every day"
## 36 "g d" " the neighborhood is goin' ape shit crazy"
## 37 "a c" " you've had a landscaper and a house keeper since you were born"
## 38 "g d" " the sunshine always kept you warm"
## 39 "a c" " so why see the world, when you got the beach"
## 40 "g d" " don't know why see the world, when you got the beach"
Function 2: create_net
While create_dat
allows to have a song as presented on the website, it still does not achieve the intended result. That is, it does not match words with the respective chords. create_net
does the job. The idea is to search for each chord the beginning of the closest word, and to store all the words that are present before the end of the verse or the beginning of the next chord. Running:
creates the intended output:
## # A tibble: 75 x 2
## chord lyric
## <chr> <chr>
## 1 "a " the best song wasn't
## 2 "c " the single, but you weren't
## 3 "g " either
## 4 "d " livin' in ladera heights, the black beverl
## 5 "a" hills
## 6 "c " domesticated paradise, palm trees
## 7 "g " and pools
## 8 "d " the water's blue, swallow the pill
## 9 "a " keepin' it surreal, whatever
## 10 "c" you like
## 11 "g " whatever feels good, whateve
## 12 "d" takes you mountain high
## 13 "a " keepin' it surreal, not
## 14 "c" sugar free
## 15 "g " my tv ain't hd, that's too real
## 16 "d " grapevine, mango, peaches, and limes, the
## 17 "a" sweet life
## 18 "c " the sweet life,
## 19 "g" sweet life
## 20 "d " sweet life, sweet life
## 21 "c " sweet life, the
## 22 "g" sweet life
## 23 "d " sweetie pie
## 24 "a " you've had a landscaper and a house keepe
## 25 "c" since you were born
## 26 "g " the sunshine alway
## 27 "d" kept you warm
## 28 "a " so why see the world, when you
## 29 "c" got the beach
## 30 "g " don't know why see the world, when you
## 31 "d" got the beach
## 32 "c " the best song wasn't the single, but you couldn't turn
## 33 "g" your radio down
## 34 "d " satellite need a receiver, can't seem
## 35 "a" to turn the signal fully off
## 36 "c " transmitting
## 37 "g" the waves
## 38 "d " you're catching that breeze 'til you're dead in the grave
## 39 "a " but you're keepin' it surreal, whatever
## 40 "c" you like
## 41 "g " whatever feels good, whateve
## 42 "d" takes you mountain high
## 43 "a " keepin' it surreal, not
## 44 "c " sugar free, my tv ain't hd, that's
## 45 "g" too real
## 46 "d " grapevines, mango, peaches, and lime, a sweet life
## 47 "c " a sweet life, yeah
## 48 "g " a sweet life, a sweet
## 49 "d" life
## 50 "c " live and die in the
## 51 "g" lif
## 52 "a " you've had a landscaper and a house keepe
## 53 "c" since you were born, yeah
## 54 "g " the sunshine alway
## 55 "d" kept you warm
## 56 "a " so why see the world, when you
## 57 "c" got the beach
## 58 "g " don't know why see the world, when you
## 59 "d" got the beach
## 60 "a " and the water, is exactly what
## 61 "c" i wanted
## 62 "g " it's everything i thought it
## 63 "d" would be (thought it would be)
## 64 "a " but this neighborhood is gettin
## 65 "c" trippier every day
## 66 "g " the neighborhood is
## 67 "d" goin' ape shit crazy
## 68 "a " you've had a landscaper and a house keepe
## 69 "c" since you were born
## 70 "g " the sunshine alway
## 71 "d" kept you warm
## 72 "a " so why see the world, when you
## 73 "c" got the beach
## 74 "g " don't know why see the world, when you
## 75 "d" got the beach
Note that create_net
builds upon the structure created with create_dat
These functions can be very useful for text, network, and many others types of analyses. For example, it could be useful for a network viz. In the next steps I will only show the final output, you can find the full syntax here.
One thing that could be interesting to visualize is the connections that words have when played in the same chord. In other words, the network we will represent will be made by words connected to each other when played in the same chord. There are four steps to follow: create the edgelist, where words are connected when played in the same chord, create the network with these connections, visualize the network, and take some descriptive information out of this visualization.
- Create edgelist: two words are connected when played in the same chord.
## chord lyric.x lyric.y
## 1 a the best
## 2 a the song
## 3 a the wasn't
## 4 a best the
## 5 a best song
## 6 a best wasn't
## 7 a song the
## 8 a song best
## 9 a song wasn't
## 10 a wasn't the
## 11 a wasn't best
## 12 a wasn't song
## 13 c the single,
## 14 c the but
## 15 c the you
## 16 c the weren't
## 17 c single, the
## 18 c single, but
## 19 c single, you
## 20 c single, weren't
## 21 c but the
## 22 c but single,
## 23 c but you
## 24 c but weren't
## 25 c you the
## 26 c you single,
## 27 c you but
## 28 c you weren't
## 29 c weren't the
## 30 c weren't single,
## 31 c weren't but
## 32 c weren't you
## 33 d livin' in
## 34 d livin' ladera
## 35 d livin' heights,
## 36 d livin' the
## 37 d livin' black
## 38 d livin' beverl
## 39 d in livin'
## 40 d in ladera
## 41 d in heights,
## 42 d in the
## 43 d in black
## 44 d in beverl
## 45 d ladera livin'
## 46 d ladera in
## 47 d ladera heights,
## 48 d ladera the
## 49 d ladera black
## 50 d ladera beverl
## 51 d heights, livin'
## 52 d heights, in
## 53 d heights, ladera
## 54 d heights, the
## 55 d heights, black
## 56 d heights, beverl
## 57 d the livin'
## 58 d the in
## 59 d the ladera
## 60 d the heights,
## 61 d the black
## 62 d the beverl
## 63 d black livin'
## 64 d black in
## 65 d black ladera
## 66 d black heights,
## 67 d black the
## 68 d black beverl
## 69 d beverl livin'
## 70 d beverl in
## 71 d beverl ladera
## 72 d beverl heights,
## 73 d beverl the
## 74 d beverl black
## 75 a hills sweet
## 76 a hills life
## 77 a hills to
## 78 a hills turn
## 79 a hills the
## 80 a hills signal
## 81 a hills fully
## 82 a hills off
## 83 c domesticated paradise,
## 84 c domesticated palm
## 85 c domesticated trees
## 86 c paradise, domesticated
## 87 c paradise, palm
## 88 c paradise, trees
## 89 c palm domesticated
## 90 c palm paradise,
## 91 c palm trees
## 92 c trees domesticated
## 93 c trees paradise,
## 94 c trees palm
## 95 g and pools
## 96 g pools and
## 97 d the water's
## 98 d the blue,
## 99 d the swallow
## 100 d the pill
## 101 d the grapevines,
## 102 d the mango,
## 103 d the peaches,
## 104 d the and
## 105 d the lime,
## 106 d the a
## 107 d the sweet
## 108 d the life
## 109 d water's the
## 110 d water's blue,
## 111 d water's swallow
## 112 d water's the
## 113 d water's pill
## 114 d water's grapevines,
## 115 d water's mango,
## 116 d water's peaches,
## 117 d water's and
## 118 d water's lime,
## 119 d water's a
## 120 d water's sweet
## 121 d water's life
## 122 d blue, the
## 123 d blue, water's
## 124 d blue, swallow
## 125 d blue, the
## 126 d blue, pill
## 127 d blue, grapevines,
## 128 d blue, mango,
## 129 d blue, peaches,
## 130 d blue, and
## 131 d blue, lime,
## 132 d blue, a
## 133 d blue, sweet
## 134 d blue, life
## 135 d swallow the
## 136 d swallow water's
## 137 d swallow blue,
## 138 d swallow the
## 139 d swallow pill
## 140 d swallow grapevines,
## 141 d swallow mango,
## 142 d swallow peaches,
## 143 d swallow and
## 144 d swallow lime,
## 145 d swallow a
## 146 d swallow sweet
## 147 d swallow life
## 148 d the water's
## 149 d the blue,
## 150 d the swallow
## 151 d the pill
## 152 d the grapevines,
## 153 d the mango,
## 154 d the peaches,
## 155 d the and
## 156 d the lime,
## 157 d the a
## 158 d the sweet
## 159 d the life
## 160 d pill the
## 161 d pill water's
## 162 d pill blue,
## 163 d pill swallow
## 164 d pill the
## 165 d pill grapevines,
## 166 d pill mango,
## 167 d pill peaches,
## 168 d pill and
## 169 d pill lime,
## 170 d pill a
## 171 d pill sweet
## 172 d pill life
## 173 a keepin' it
## 174 a keepin' surreal,
## 175 a keepin' whatever
## 176 a keepin' and
## 177 a keepin' the
## 178 a keepin' water,
## 179 a keepin' is
## 180 a keepin' exactly
## 181 a keepin' what
## 182 a keepin' but
## 183 a keepin' this
## 184 a keepin' neighborhood
## 185 a keepin' is
## 186 a keepin' gettin
## 187 a it keepin'
## 188 a it surreal,
## 189 a it whatever
## 190 a it and
## 191 a it the
## 192 a it water,
## 193 a it is
## 194 a it exactly
## 195 a it what
## 196 a it but
## 197 a it this
## 198 a it neighborhood
## 199 a it is
## 200 a it gettin
## 201 a surreal, keepin'
## 202 a surreal, it
## 203 a surreal, whatever
## 204 a surreal, and
## 205 a surreal, the
## 206 a surreal, water,
## 207 a surreal, is
## 208 a surreal, exactly
## 209 a surreal, what
## 210 a surreal, but
## 211 a surreal, this
## 212 a surreal, neighborhood
## 213 a surreal, is
## 214 a surreal, gettin
## 215 a whatever keepin'
## 216 a whatever it
## 217 a whatever surreal,
## 218 a whatever and
## 219 a whatever the
## 220 a whatever water,
## 221 a whatever is
## 222 a whatever exactly
## 223 a whatever what
## 224 a whatever but
## 225 a whatever this
## 226 a whatever neighborhood
## 227 a whatever is
## 228 a whatever gettin
## 229 c you like
## 230 c you sugar
## 231 c you free
## 232 c you since
## 233 c you were
## 234 c you born
## 235 c you got
## 236 c you the
## 237 c you beach
## 238 c you like
## 239 c you since
## 240 c you were
## 241 c you born,
## 242 c you yeah
## 243 c you got
## 244 c you the
## 245 c you beach
## 246 c you i
## 247 c you wanted
## 248 c you trippier
## 249 c you every
## 250 c you day
## 251 c you since
## 252 c you were
## 253 c you born
## 254 c you got
## 255 c you the
## 256 c you beach
## 257 c like you
## 258 c like sugar
## 259 c like free
## 260 c like since
## 261 c like you
## 262 c like were
## 263 c like born
## 264 c like got
## 265 c like the
## 266 c like beach
## 267 c like you
## 268 c like since
## 269 c like you
## 270 c like were
## 271 c like born,
## 272 c like yeah
## 273 c like got
## 274 c like the
## 275 c like beach
## 276 c like i
## 277 c like wanted
## 278 c like trippier
## 279 c like every
## 280 c like day
## 281 c like since
## 282 c like you
## 283 c like were
## 284 c like born
## 285 c like got
## 286 c like the
## 287 c like beach
## 288 g whatever feels
## 289 g whatever good,
## 290 g whatever whateve
## 291 g whatever feels
## 292 g whatever good,
## 293 g whatever whateve
## 294 g feels whatever
## 295 g feels good,
## 296 g feels whateve
## 297 g feels whatever
## 298 g feels good,
## 299 g feels whateve
## 300 g good, whatever
## 301 g good, feels
## 302 g good, whateve
## 303 g good, whatever
## 304 g good, feels
## 305 g good, whateve
## 306 g whateve whatever
## 307 g whateve feels
## 308 g whateve good,
## 309 g whateve whatever
## 310 g whateve feels
## 311 g whateve good,
## 312 d takes you
## 313 d takes mountain
## 314 d takes high
## 315 d takes kept
## 316 d takes you
## 317 d takes warm
## 318 d takes got
## 319 d takes the
## 320 d takes beach
## 321 d takes you
## 322 d takes mountain
## 323 d takes high
## 324 d takes life
## 325 d takes kept
## 326 d takes you
## 327 d takes warm
## 328 d takes got
## 329 d takes the
## 330 d takes beach
## 331 d takes would
## 332 d takes be
## 333 d takes (thought
## 334 d takes it
## 335 d takes would
## 336 d takes be)
## 337 d takes goin'
## 338 d takes ape
## 339 d takes shit
## 340 d takes crazy
## 341 d takes kept
## 342 d takes you
## 343 d takes warm
## 344 d takes got
## 345 d takes the
## 346 d takes beach
## 347 d you takes
## 348 d you mountain
## 349 d you high
## 350 d you kept
## 351 d you warm
## 352 d you got
## 353 d you the
## 354 d you beach
## 355 d you takes
## 356 d you mountain
## 357 d you high
## 358 d you life
## 359 d you kept
## 360 d you warm
## 361 d you got
## 362 d you the
## 363 d you beach
## 364 d you would
## 365 d you be
## 366 d you (thought
## 367 d you it
## 368 d you would
## 369 d you be)
## 370 d you goin'
## 371 d you ape
## 372 d you shit
## 373 d you crazy
## 374 d you kept
## 375 d you warm
## 376 d you got
## 377 d you the
## 378 d you beach
## 379 d mountain takes
## 380 d mountain you
## 381 d mountain high
## 382 d mountain kept
## 383 d mountain you
## 384 d mountain warm
## 385 d mountain got
## 386 d mountain the
## 387 d mountain beach
## 388 d mountain takes
## 389 d mountain you
## 390 d mountain high
## 391 d mountain life
## 392 d mountain kept
## 393 d mountain you
## 394 d mountain warm
## 395 d mountain got
## 396 d mountain the
## 397 d mountain beach
## 398 d mountain would
## 399 d mountain be
## 400 d mountain (thought
## 401 d mountain it
## 402 d mountain would
## 403 d mountain be)
## 404 d mountain goin'
## 405 d mountain ape
## 406 d mountain shit
## 407 d mountain crazy
## 408 d mountain kept
## 409 d mountain you
## 410 d mountain warm
## 411 d mountain got
## 412 d mountain the
## 413 d mountain beach
## 414 d high takes
## 415 d high you
## 416 d high mountain
## 417 d high kept
## 418 d high you
## 419 d high warm
## 420 d high got
## 421 d high the
## 422 d high beach
## 423 d high takes
## 424 d high you
## 425 d high mountain
## 426 d high life
## 427 d high kept
## 428 d high you
## 429 d high warm
## 430 d high got
## 431 d high the
## 432 d high beach
## 433 d high would
## 434 d high be
## 435 d high (thought
## 436 d high it
## 437 d high would
## 438 d high be)
## 439 d high goin'
## 440 d high ape
## 441 d high shit
## 442 d high crazy
## 443 d high kept
## 444 d high you
## 445 d high warm
## 446 d high got
## 447 d high the
## 448 d high beach
## 449 a keepin' it
## 450 a keepin' surreal,
## 451 a keepin' not
## 452 a keepin' it
## 453 a keepin' surreal,
## 454 a keepin' not
## 455 a it keepin'
## 456 a it surreal,
## 457 a it not
## 458 a it keepin'
## 459 a it surreal,
## 460 a it not
## 461 a surreal, keepin'
## 462 a surreal, it
## 463 a surreal, not
## 464 a surreal, keepin'
## 465 a surreal, it
## 466 a surreal, not
## 467 a not keepin'
## 468 a not it
## 469 a not surreal,
## 470 a not keepin'
## 471 a not it
## 472 a not surreal,
## 473 c sugar you
## 474 c sugar like
## 475 c sugar free
## 476 c sugar since
## 477 c sugar you
## 478 c sugar were
## 479 c sugar born
## 480 c sugar got
## 481 c sugar the
## 482 c sugar beach
## 483 c sugar you
## 484 c sugar like
## 485 c sugar since
## 486 c sugar you
## 487 c sugar were
## 488 c sugar born,
## 489 c sugar yeah
## 490 c sugar got
## 491 c sugar the
## 492 c sugar beach
## 493 c sugar i
## 494 c sugar wanted
## 495 c sugar trippier
## 496 c sugar every
## 497 c sugar day
## 498 c sugar since
## 499 c sugar you
## 500 c sugar were
## 501 c sugar born
## 502 c sugar got
## 503 c sugar the
## 504 c sugar beach
## 505 c free you
## 506 c free like
## 507 c free sugar
## 508 c free since
## 509 c free you
## 510 c free were
## 511 c free born
## 512 c free got
## 513 c free the
## 514 c free beach
## 515 c free you
## 516 c free like
## 517 c free since
## 518 c free you
## 519 c free were
## 520 c free born,
## 521 c free yeah
## 522 c free got
## 523 c free the
## 524 c free beach
## 525 c free i
## 526 c free wanted
## 527 c free trippier
## 528 c free every
## 529 c free day
## 530 c free since
## 531 c free you
## 532 c free were
## 533 c free born
## 534 c free got
## 535 c free the
## 536 c free beach
## 537 g my tv
## 538 g my ain't
## 539 g my hd,
## 540 g my that's
## 541 g my too
## 542 g my real
## 543 g tv my
## 544 g tv ain't
## 545 g tv hd,
## 546 g tv that's
## 547 g tv too
## 548 g tv real
## 549 g ain't my
## 550 g ain't tv
## 551 g ain't hd,
## 552 g ain't that's
## 553 g ain't too
## 554 g ain't real
## 555 g hd, my
## 556 g hd, tv
## 557 g hd, ain't
## 558 g hd, that's
## 559 g hd, too
## 560 g hd, real
## 561 g that's my
## 562 g that's tv
## 563 g that's ain't
## 564 g that's hd,
## 565 g that's too
## 566 g that's real
## 567 g too my
## 568 g too tv
## 569 g too ain't
## 570 g too hd,
## 571 g too that's
## 572 g too real
## 573 g real my
## 574 g real tv
## 575 g real ain't
## 576 g real hd,
## 577 g real that's
## 578 g real too
## 579 d grapevine, mango,
## 580 d grapevine, peaches,
## 581 d grapevine, and
## 582 d grapevine, limes,
## 583 d grapevine, the
## 584 d mango, grapevine,
## 585 d mango, peaches,
## 586 d mango, and
## 587 d mango, limes,
## 588 d mango, the
## 589 d peaches, grapevine,
## 590 d peaches, mango,
## 591 d peaches, and
## 592 d peaches, limes,
## 593 d peaches, the
## 594 d and grapevine,
## 595 d and mango,
## 596 d and peaches,
## 597 d and limes,
## 598 d and the
## 599 d limes, grapevine,
## 600 d limes, mango,
## 601 d limes, peaches,
## 602 d limes, and
## 603 d limes, the
## 604 d the grapevine,
## 605 d the mango,
## 606 d the peaches,
## 607 d the and
## 608 d the limes,
## 609 a sweet hills
## 610 a sweet life
## 611 a sweet to
## 612 a sweet turn
## 613 a sweet the
## 614 a sweet signal
## 615 a sweet fully
## 616 a sweet off
## 617 a life hills
## 618 a life sweet
## 619 a life to
## 620 a life turn
## 621 a life the
## 622 a life signal
## 623 a life fully
## 624 a life off
## 625 c the sweet
## 626 c the life,
## 627 c the sweet
## 628 c the life,
## 629 c sweet the
## 630 c sweet life,
## 631 c sweet life,
## 632 c sweet the
## 633 c life, the
## 634 c life, sweet
## 635 c life, sweet
## 636 c life, the
## 637 g sweet life
## 638 g sweet life
## 639 g sweet your
## 640 g sweet radio
## 641 g sweet down
## 642 g sweet the
## 643 g sweet waves
## 644 g sweet too
## 645 g sweet real
## 646 g sweet lif
## 647 g life sweet
## 648 g life sweet
## 649 g life your
## 650 g life radio
## 651 g life down
## 652 g life the
## 653 g life waves
## 654 g life too
## 655 g life real
## 656 g life lif
## 657 d sweet life,
## 658 d sweet life
## 659 d sweet sweetie
## 660 d sweet pie
## 661 d life, sweet
## 662 d life, sweet
## 663 d life, life
## 664 d life, sweetie
## 665 d life, pie
## 666 d sweet life,
## 667 d sweet life
## 668 d sweet sweetie
## 669 d sweet pie
## 670 d life sweet
## 671 d life life,
## 672 d life sweet
## 673 d life sweetie
## 674 d life pie
## 675 c sweet the
## 676 c sweet life,
## 677 c sweet life,
## 678 c sweet the
## 679 c life, the
## 680 c life, sweet
## 681 c life, sweet
## 682 c life, the
## 683 c the sweet
## 684 c the life,
## 685 c the sweet
## 686 c the life,
## 687 g sweet life
## 688 g sweet life
## 689 g sweet your
## 690 g sweet radio
## 691 g sweet down
## 692 g sweet the
## 693 g sweet waves
## 694 g sweet too
## 695 g sweet real
## 696 g sweet lif
## 697 g life sweet
## 698 g life sweet
## 699 g life your
## 700 g life radio
## 701 g life down
## 702 g life the
## 703 g life waves
## 704 g life too
## 705 g life real
## 706 g life lif
## 707 d sweetie sweet
## 708 d sweetie life,
## 709 d sweetie sweet
## 710 d sweetie life
## 711 d sweetie pie
## 712 d pie sweet
## 713 d pie life,
## 714 d pie sweet
## 715 d pie life
## 716 d pie sweetie
## 717 a you've had
## 718 a you've a
## 719 a you've landscaper
## 720 a you've and
## 721 a you've a
## 722 a you've house
## 723 a you've keepe
## 724 a you've had
## 725 a you've a
## 726 a you've landscaper
## 727 a you've and
## 728 a you've a
## 729 a you've house
## 730 a you've keepe
## 731 a you've had
## 732 a you've a
## 733 a you've landscaper
## 734 a you've and
## 735 a you've a
## 736 a you've house
## 737 a you've keepe
## 738 a had you've
## 739 a had a
## 740 a had landscaper
## 741 a had and
## 742 a had a
## 743 a had house
## 744 a had keepe
## 745 a had you've
## 746 a had a
## 747 a had landscaper
## 748 a had and
## 749 a had a
## 750 a had house
## 751 a had keepe
## 752 a had you've
## 753 a had a
## 754 a had landscaper
## 755 a had and
## 756 a had a
## 757 a had house
## 758 a had keepe
## 759 a a you've
## 760 a a had
## 761 a a landscaper
## 762 a a and
## 763 a a house
## 764 a a keepe
## 765 a a you've
## 766 a a had
## 767 a a landscaper
## 768 a a and
## 769 a a house
## 770 a a keepe
## 771 a a you've
## 772 a a had
## 773 a a landscaper
## 774 a a and
## 775 a a house
## 776 a a keepe
## 777 a landscaper you've
## 778 a landscaper had
## 779 a landscaper a
## 780 a landscaper and
## 781 a landscaper a
## 782 a landscaper house
## 783 a landscaper keepe
## 784 a landscaper you've
## 785 a landscaper had
## 786 a landscaper a
## 787 a landscaper and
## 788 a landscaper a
## 789 a landscaper house
## 790 a landscaper keepe
## 791 a landscaper you've
## 792 a landscaper had
## 793 a landscaper a
## 794 a landscaper and
## 795 a landscaper a
## 796 a landscaper house
## 797 a landscaper keepe
## 798 a and you've
## 799 a and had
## 800 a and a
## 801 a and landscaper
## 802 a and a
## 803 a and house
## 804 a and keepe
## 805 a and you've
## 806 a and had
## 807 a and a
## 808 a and landscaper
## 809 a and a
## 810 a and house
## 811 a and keepe
## 812 a and you've
## 813 a and had
## 814 a and a
## 815 a and landscaper
## 816 a and a
## 817 a and house
## 818 a and keepe
## 819 a a you've
## 820 a a had
## 821 a a landscaper
## 822 a a and
## 823 a a house
## 824 a a keepe
## 825 a a you've
## 826 a a had
## 827 a a landscaper
## 828 a a and
## 829 a a house
## 830 a a keepe
## 831 a a you've
## 832 a a had
## 833 a a landscaper
## 834 a a and
## 835 a a house
## 836 a a keepe
## 837 a house you've
## 838 a house had
## 839 a house a
## 840 a house landscaper
## 841 a house and
## 842 a house a
## 843 a house keepe
## 844 a house you've
## 845 a house had
## 846 a house a
## 847 a house landscaper
## 848 a house and
## 849 a house a
## 850 a house keepe
## 851 a house you've
## 852 a house had
## 853 a house a
## 854 a house landscaper
## 855 a house and
## 856 a house a
## 857 a house keepe
## 858 a keepe you've
## 859 a keepe had
## 860 a keepe a
## 861 a keepe landscaper
## 862 a keepe and
## 863 a keepe a
## 864 a keepe house
## 865 a keepe you've
## 866 a keepe had
## 867 a keepe a
## 868 a keepe landscaper
## 869 a keepe and
## 870 a keepe a
## 871 a keepe house
## 872 a keepe you've
## 873 a keepe had
## 874 a keepe a
## 875 a keepe landscaper
## 876 a keepe and
## 877 a keepe a
## 878 a keepe house
## 879 c since you
## 880 c since like
## 881 c since sugar
## 882 c since free
## 883 c since you
## 884 c since were
## 885 c since born
## 886 c since got
## 887 c since the
## 888 c since beach
## 889 c since you
## 890 c since like
## 891 c since you
## 892 c since were
## 893 c since born,
## 894 c since yeah
## 895 c since got
## 896 c since the
## 897 c since beach
## 898 c since i
## 899 c since wanted
## 900 c since trippier
## 901 c since every
## 902 c since day
## 903 c since you
## 904 c since were
## 905 c since born
## 906 c since got
## 907 c since the
## 908 c since beach
## 909 c you like
## 910 c you sugar
## 911 c you free
## 912 c you since
## 913 c you were
## 914 c you born
## 915 c you got
## 916 c you the
## 917 c you beach
## 918 c you like
## 919 c you since
## 920 c you were
## 921 c you born,
## 922 c you yeah
## 923 c you got
## 924 c you the
## 925 c you beach
## 926 c you i
## 927 c you wanted
## 928 c you trippier
## 929 c you every
## 930 c you day
## 931 c you since
## 932 c you were
## 933 c you born
## 934 c you got
## 935 c you the
## 936 c you beach
## 937 c were you
## 938 c were like
## 939 c were sugar
## 940 c were free
## 941 c were since
## 942 c were you
## 943 c were born
## 944 c were got
## 945 c were the
## 946 c were beach
## 947 c were you
## 948 c were like
## 949 c were since
## 950 c were you
## 951 c were born,
## 952 c were yeah
## 953 c were got
## 954 c were the
## 955 c were beach
## 956 c were i
## 957 c were wanted
## 958 c were trippier
## 959 c were every
## 960 c were day
## 961 c were since
## 962 c were you
## 963 c were born
## 964 c were got
## 965 c were the
## 966 c were beach
## 967 c born you
## 968 c born like
## 969 c born sugar
## 970 c born free
## 971 c born since
## 972 c born you
## 973 c born were
## 974 c born got
## 975 c born the
## 976 c born beach
## 977 c born you
## 978 c born like
## 979 c born since
## 980 c born you
## 981 c born were
## 982 c born born,
## 983 c born yeah
## 984 c born got
## 985 c born the
## 986 c born beach
## 987 c born i
## 988 c born wanted
## 989 c born trippier
## 990 c born every
## 991 c born day
## 992 c born since
## 993 c born you
## 994 c born were
## 995 c born got
## 996 c born the
## 997 c born beach
## 998 g the sunshine
## 999 g the alway
## 1000 g the sunshine
## 1001 g the alway
## 1002 g the sunshine
## 1003 g the alway
## 1004 g sunshine the
## 1005 g sunshine alway
## 1006 g sunshine the
## 1007 g sunshine alway
## 1008 g sunshine the
## 1009 g sunshine alway
## 1010 g alway the
## 1011 g alway sunshine
## 1012 g alway the
## 1013 g alway sunshine
## 1014 g alway the
## 1015 g alway sunshine
## 1016 d kept takes
## 1017 d kept you
## 1018 d kept mountain
## 1019 d kept high
## 1020 d kept you
## 1021 d kept warm
## 1022 d kept got
## 1023 d kept the
## 1024 d kept beach
## 1025 d kept takes
## 1026 d kept you
## 1027 d kept mountain
## 1028 d kept high
## 1029 d kept life
## 1030 d kept you
## 1031 d kept warm
## 1032 d kept got
## 1033 d kept the
## 1034 d kept beach
## 1035 d kept would
## 1036 d kept be
## 1037 d kept (thought
## 1038 d kept it
## 1039 d kept would
## 1040 d kept be)
## 1041 d kept goin'
## 1042 d kept ape
## 1043 d kept shit
## 1044 d kept crazy
## 1045 d kept you
## 1046 d kept warm
## 1047 d kept got
## 1048 d kept the
## 1049 d kept beach
## 1050 d you takes
## 1051 d you mountain
## 1052 d you high
## 1053 d you kept
## 1054 d you warm
## 1055 d you got
## 1056 d you the
## 1057 d you beach
## 1058 d you takes
## 1059 d you mountain
## 1060 d you high
## 1061 d you life
## 1062 d you kept
## 1063 d you warm
## 1064 d you got
## 1065 d you the
## 1066 d you beach
## 1067 d you would
## 1068 d you be
## 1069 d you (thought
## 1070 d you it
## 1071 d you would
## 1072 d you be)
## 1073 d you goin'
## 1074 d you ape
## 1075 d you shit
## 1076 d you crazy
## 1077 d you kept
## 1078 d you warm
## 1079 d you got
## 1080 d you the
## 1081 d you beach
## 1082 d warm takes
## 1083 d warm you
## 1084 d warm mountain
## 1085 d warm high
## 1086 d warm kept
## 1087 d warm you
## 1088 d warm got
## 1089 d warm the
## 1090 d warm beach
## 1091 d warm takes
## 1092 d warm you
## 1093 d warm mountain
## 1094 d warm high
## 1095 d warm life
## 1096 d warm kept
## 1097 d warm you
## 1098 d warm got
## 1099 d warm the
## 1100 d warm beach
## 1101 d warm would
## 1102 d warm be
## 1103 d warm (thought
## 1104 d warm it
## 1105 d warm would
## 1106 d warm be)
## 1107 d warm goin'
## 1108 d warm ape
## 1109 d warm shit
## 1110 d warm crazy
## 1111 d warm kept
## 1112 d warm you
## 1113 d warm got
## 1114 d warm the
## 1115 d warm beach
## 1116 a so why
## 1117 a so see
## 1118 a so the
## 1119 a so world,
## 1120 a so when
## 1121 a so you
## 1122 a so why
## 1123 a so see
## 1124 a so the
## 1125 a so world,
## 1126 a so when
## 1127 a so you
## 1128 a so why
## 1129 a so see
## 1130 a so the
## 1131 a so world,
## 1132 a so when
## 1133 a so you
## 1134 a why so
## 1135 a why see
## 1136 a why the
## 1137 a why world,
## 1138 a why when
## 1139 a why you
## 1140 a why so
## 1141 a why see
## 1142 a why the
## 1143 a why world,
## 1144 a why when
## 1145 a why you
## 1146 a why so
## 1147 a why see
## 1148 a why the
## 1149 a why world,
## 1150 a why when
## 1151 a why you
## 1152 a see so
## 1153 a see why
## 1154 a see the
## 1155 a see world,
## 1156 a see when
## 1157 a see you
## 1158 a see so
## 1159 a see why
## 1160 a see the
## 1161 a see world,
## 1162 a see when
## 1163 a see you
## 1164 a see so
## 1165 a see why
## 1166 a see the
## 1167 a see world,
## 1168 a see when
## 1169 a see you
## 1170 a the so
## 1171 a the why
## 1172 a the see
## 1173 a the world,
## 1174 a the when
## 1175 a the you
## 1176 a the so
## 1177 a the why
## 1178 a the see
## 1179 a the world,
## 1180 a the when
## 1181 a the you
## 1182 a the so
## 1183 a the why
## 1184 a the see
## 1185 a the world,
## 1186 a the when
## 1187 a the you
## 1188 a world, so
## 1189 a world, why
## 1190 a world, see
## 1191 a world, the
## 1192 a world, when
## 1193 a world, you
## 1194 a world, so
## 1195 a world, why
## 1196 a world, see
## 1197 a world, the
## 1198 a world, when
## 1199 a world, you
## 1200 a world, so
## 1201 a world, why
## 1202 a world, see
## 1203 a world, the
## 1204 a world, when
## 1205 a world, you
## 1206 a when so
## 1207 a when why
## 1208 a when see
## 1209 a when the
## 1210 a when world,
## 1211 a when you
## 1212 a when so
## 1213 a when why
## 1214 a when see
## 1215 a when the
## 1216 a when world,
## 1217 a when you
## 1218 a when so
## 1219 a when why
## 1220 a when see
## 1221 a when the
## 1222 a when world,
## 1223 a when you
## 1224 a you so
## 1225 a you why
## 1226 a you see
## 1227 a you the
## 1228 a you world,
## 1229 a you when
## 1230 a you so
## 1231 a you why
## 1232 a you see
## 1233 a you the
## 1234 a you world,
## 1235 a you when
## 1236 a you so
## 1237 a you why
## 1238 a you see
## 1239 a you the
## 1240 a you world,
## 1241 a you when
## 1242 c got you
## 1243 c got like
## 1244 c got sugar
## 1245 c got free
## 1246 c got since
## 1247 c got you
## 1248 c got were
## 1249 c got born
## 1250 c got the
## 1251 c got beach
## 1252 c got you
## 1253 c got like
## 1254 c got since
## 1255 c got you
## 1256 c got were
## 1257 c got born,
## 1258 c got yeah
## 1259 c got the
## 1260 c got beach
## 1261 c got i
## 1262 c got wanted
## 1263 c got trippier
## 1264 c got every
## 1265 c got day
## 1266 c got since
## 1267 c got you
## 1268 c got were
## 1269 c got born
## 1270 c got the
## 1271 c got beach
## 1272 c the you
## 1273 c the like
## 1274 c the sugar
## 1275 c the free
## 1276 c the since
## 1277 c the you
## 1278 c the were
## 1279 c the born
## 1280 c the got
## 1281 c the beach
## 1282 c the you
## 1283 c the like
## 1284 c the since
## 1285 c the you
## 1286 c the were
## 1287 c the born,
## 1288 c the yeah
## 1289 c the got
## 1290 c the beach
## 1291 c the i
## 1292 c the wanted
## 1293 c the trippier
## 1294 c the every
## 1295 c the day
## 1296 c the since
## 1297 c the you
## 1298 c the were
## 1299 c the born
## 1300 c the got
## 1301 c the beach
## 1302 c beach you
## 1303 c beach like
## 1304 c beach sugar
## 1305 c beach free
## 1306 c beach since
## 1307 c beach you
## 1308 c beach were
## 1309 c beach born
## 1310 c beach got
## 1311 c beach the
## 1312 c beach you
## 1313 c beach like
## 1314 c beach since
## 1315 c beach you
## 1316 c beach were
## 1317 c beach born,
## 1318 c beach yeah
## 1319 c beach got
## 1320 c beach the
## 1321 c beach i
## 1322 c beach wanted
## 1323 c beach trippier
## 1324 c beach every
## 1325 c beach day
## 1326 c beach since
## 1327 c beach you
## 1328 c beach were
## 1329 c beach born
## 1330 c beach got
## 1331 c beach the
## 1332 g don't know
## 1333 g don't why
## 1334 g don't see
## 1335 g don't the
## 1336 g don't world,
## 1337 g don't when
## 1338 g don't you
## 1339 g don't know
## 1340 g don't why
## 1341 g don't see
## 1342 g don't the
## 1343 g don't world,
## 1344 g don't when
## 1345 g don't you
## 1346 g don't know
## 1347 g don't why
## 1348 g don't see
## 1349 g don't the
## 1350 g don't world,
## 1351 g don't when
## 1352 g don't you
## 1353 g know don't
## 1354 g know why
## 1355 g know see
## 1356 g know the
## 1357 g know world,
## 1358 g know when
## 1359 g know you
## 1360 g know don't
## 1361 g know why
## 1362 g know see
## 1363 g know the
## 1364 g know world,
## 1365 g know when
## 1366 g know you
## 1367 g know don't
## 1368 g know why
## 1369 g know see
## 1370 g know the
## 1371 g know world,
## 1372 g know when
## 1373 g know you
## 1374 g why don't
## 1375 g why know
## 1376 g why see
## 1377 g why the
## 1378 g why world,
## 1379 g why when
## 1380 g why you
## 1381 g why don't
## 1382 g why know
## 1383 g why see
## 1384 g why the
## 1385 g why world,
## 1386 g why when
## 1387 g why you
## 1388 g why don't
## 1389 g why know
## 1390 g why see
## 1391 g why the
## 1392 g why world,
## 1393 g why when
## 1394 g why you
## 1395 g see don't
## 1396 g see know
## 1397 g see why
## 1398 g see the
## 1399 g see world,
## 1400 g see when
## 1401 g see you
## 1402 g see don't
## 1403 g see know
## 1404 g see why
## 1405 g see the
## 1406 g see world,
## 1407 g see when
## 1408 g see you
## 1409 g see don't
## 1410 g see know
## 1411 g see why
## 1412 g see the
## 1413 g see world,
## 1414 g see when
## 1415 g see you
## 1416 g the don't
## 1417 g the know
## 1418 g the why
## 1419 g the see
## 1420 g the world,
## 1421 g the when
## 1422 g the you
## 1423 g the don't
## 1424 g the know
## 1425 g the why
## 1426 g the see
## 1427 g the world,
## 1428 g the when
## 1429 g the you
## 1430 g the don't
## 1431 g the know
## 1432 g the why
## 1433 g the see
## 1434 g the world,
## 1435 g the when
## 1436 g the you
## 1437 g world, don't
## 1438 g world, know
## 1439 g world, why
## 1440 g world, see
## 1441 g world, the
## 1442 g world, when
## 1443 g world, you
## 1444 g world, don't
## 1445 g world, know
## 1446 g world, why
## 1447 g world, see
## 1448 g world, the
## 1449 g world, when
## 1450 g world, you
## 1451 g world, don't
## 1452 g world, know
## 1453 g world, why
## 1454 g world, see
## 1455 g world, the
## 1456 g world, when
## 1457 g world, you
## 1458 g when don't
## 1459 g when know
## 1460 g when why
## 1461 g when see
## 1462 g when the
## 1463 g when world,
## 1464 g when you
## 1465 g when don't
## 1466 g when know
## 1467 g when why
## 1468 g when see
## 1469 g when the
## 1470 g when world,
## 1471 g when you
## 1472 g when don't
## 1473 g when know
## 1474 g when why
## 1475 g when see
## 1476 g when the
## 1477 g when world,
## 1478 g when you
## 1479 g you don't
## 1480 g you know
## 1481 g you why
## 1482 g you see
## 1483 g you the
## 1484 g you world,
## 1485 g you when
## 1486 g you don't
## 1487 g you know
## 1488 g you why
## 1489 g you see
## 1490 g you the
## 1491 g you world,
## 1492 g you when
## 1493 g you don't
## 1494 g you know
## 1495 g you why
## 1496 g you see
## 1497 g you the
## 1498 g you world,
## 1499 g you when
## 1500 d got takes
## 1501 d got you
## 1502 d got mountain
## 1503 d got high
## 1504 d got kept
## 1505 d got you
## 1506 d got warm
## 1507 d got the
## 1508 d got beach
## 1509 d got takes
## 1510 d got you
## 1511 d got mountain
## 1512 d got high
## 1513 d got life
## 1514 d got kept
## 1515 d got you
## 1516 d got warm
## 1517 d got the
## 1518 d got beach
## 1519 d got would
## 1520 d got be
## 1521 d got (thought
## 1522 d got it
## 1523 d got would
## 1524 d got be)
## 1525 d got goin'
## 1526 d got ape
## 1527 d got shit
## 1528 d got crazy
## 1529 d got kept
## 1530 d got you
## 1531 d got warm
## 1532 d got the
## 1533 d got beach
## 1534 d the takes
## 1535 d the you
## 1536 d the mountain
## 1537 d the high
## 1538 d the kept
## 1539 d the you
## 1540 d the warm
## 1541 d the got
## 1542 d the beach
## 1543 d the takes
## 1544 d the you
## 1545 d the mountain
## 1546 d the high
## 1547 d the life
## 1548 d the kept
## 1549 d the you
## 1550 d the warm
## 1551 d the got
## 1552 d the beach
## 1553 d the would
## 1554 d the be
## 1555 d the (thought
## 1556 d the it
## 1557 d the would
## 1558 d the be)
## 1559 d the goin'
## 1560 d the ape
## 1561 d the shit
## 1562 d the crazy
## 1563 d the kept
## 1564 d the you
## 1565 d the warm
## 1566 d the got
## 1567 d the beach
## 1568 d beach takes
## 1569 d beach you
## 1570 d beach mountain
## 1571 d beach high
## 1572 d beach kept
## 1573 d beach you
## 1574 d beach warm
## 1575 d beach got
## 1576 d beach the
## 1577 d beach takes
## 1578 d beach you
## 1579 d beach mountain
## 1580 d beach high
## 1581 d beach life
## 1582 d beach kept
## 1583 d beach you
## 1584 d beach warm
## 1585 d beach got
## 1586 d beach the
## 1587 d beach would
## 1588 d beach be
## 1589 d beach (thought
## 1590 d beach it
## 1591 d beach would
## 1592 d beach be)
## 1593 d beach goin'
## 1594 d beach ape
## 1595 d beach shit
## 1596 d beach crazy
## 1597 d beach kept
## 1598 d beach you
## 1599 d beach warm
## 1600 d beach got
## 1601 d beach the
## 1602 c the best
## 1603 c the song
## 1604 c the wasn't
## 1605 c the single,
## 1606 c the but
## 1607 c the you
## 1608 c the couldn't
## 1609 c the turn
## 1610 c best the
## 1611 c best song
## 1612 c best wasn't
## 1613 c best the
## 1614 c best single,
## 1615 c best but
## 1616 c best you
## 1617 c best couldn't
## 1618 c best turn
## 1619 c song the
## 1620 c song best
## 1621 c song wasn't
## 1622 c song the
## 1623 c song single,
## 1624 c song but
## 1625 c song you
## 1626 c song couldn't
## 1627 c song turn
## 1628 c wasn't the
## 1629 c wasn't best
## 1630 c wasn't song
## 1631 c wasn't the
## 1632 c wasn't single,
## 1633 c wasn't but
## 1634 c wasn't you
## 1635 c wasn't couldn't
## 1636 c wasn't turn
## 1637 c the best
## 1638 c the song
## 1639 c the wasn't
## 1640 c the single,
## 1641 c the but
## 1642 c the you
## 1643 c the couldn't
## 1644 c the turn
## 1645 c single, the
## 1646 c single, best
## 1647 c single, song
## 1648 c single, wasn't
## 1649 c single, the
## 1650 c single, but
## 1651 c single, you
## 1652 c single, couldn't
## 1653 c single, turn
## 1654 c but the
## 1655 c but best
## 1656 c but song
## 1657 c but wasn't
## 1658 c but the
## 1659 c but single,
## 1660 c but you
## 1661 c but couldn't
## 1662 c but turn
## 1663 c you the
## 1664 c you best
## 1665 c you song
## 1666 c you wasn't
## 1667 c you the
## 1668 c you single,
## 1669 c you but
## 1670 c you couldn't
## 1671 c you turn
## 1672 c couldn't the
## 1673 c couldn't best
## 1674 c couldn't song
## 1675 c couldn't wasn't
## 1676 c couldn't the
## 1677 c couldn't single,
## 1678 c couldn't but
## 1679 c couldn't you
## 1680 c couldn't turn
## 1681 g your sweet
## 1682 g your life
## 1683 g your sweet
## 1684 g your life
## 1685 g your radio
## 1686 g your down
## 1687 g your the
## 1688 g your waves
## 1689 g your too
## 1690 g your real
## 1691 g your lif
## 1692 g radio sweet
## 1693 g radio life
## 1694 g radio sweet
## 1695 g radio life
## 1696 g radio your
## 1697 g radio down
## 1698 g radio the
## 1699 g radio waves
## 1700 g radio too
## 1701 g radio real
## 1702 g radio lif
## 1703 g down sweet
## 1704 g down life
## 1705 g down sweet
## 1706 g down life
## 1707 g down your
## 1708 g down radio
## 1709 g down the
## 1710 g down waves
## 1711 g down too
## 1712 g down real
## 1713 g down lif
## 1714 d satellite need
## 1715 d satellite a
## 1716 d satellite receiver,
## 1717 d satellite can't
## 1718 d satellite seem
## 1719 d need satellite
## 1720 d need a
## 1721 d need receiver,
## 1722 d need can't
## 1723 d need seem
## 1724 d a satellite
## 1725 d a need
## 1726 d a receiver,
## 1727 d a can't
## 1728 d a seem
## 1729 d receiver, satellite
## 1730 d receiver, need
## 1731 d receiver, a
## 1732 d receiver, can't
## 1733 d receiver, seem
## 1734 d can't satellite
## 1735 d can't need
## 1736 d can't a
## 1737 d can't receiver,
## 1738 d can't seem
## 1739 d seem satellite
## 1740 d seem need
## 1741 d seem a
## 1742 d seem receiver,
## 1743 d seem can't
## 1744 a to hills
## 1745 a to sweet
## 1746 a to life
## 1747 a to turn
## 1748 a to the
## 1749 a to signal
## 1750 a to fully
## 1751 a to off
## 1752 a turn hills
## 1753 a turn sweet
## 1754 a turn life
## 1755 a turn to
## 1756 a turn the
## 1757 a turn signal
## 1758 a turn fully
## 1759 a turn off
## 1760 a the hills
## 1761 a the sweet
## 1762 a the life
## 1763 a the to
## 1764 a the turn
## 1765 a the signal
## 1766 a the fully
## 1767 a the off
## 1768 a signal hills
## 1769 a signal sweet
## 1770 a signal life
## 1771 a signal to
## 1772 a signal turn
## 1773 a signal the
## 1774 a signal fully
## 1775 a signal off
## 1776 a fully hills
## 1777 a fully sweet
## 1778 a fully life
## 1779 a fully to
## 1780 a fully turn
## 1781 a fully the
## 1782 a fully signal
## 1783 a fully off
## 1784 a off hills
## 1785 a off sweet
## 1786 a off life
## 1787 a off to
## 1788 a off turn
## 1789 a off the
## 1790 a off signal
## 1791 a off fully
## 1792 g the sweet
## 1793 g the life
## 1794 g the sweet
## 1795 g the life
## 1796 g the your
## 1797 g the radio
## 1798 g the down
## 1799 g the waves
## 1800 g the too
## 1801 g the real
## 1802 g the lif
## 1803 g waves sweet
## 1804 g waves life
## 1805 g waves sweet
## 1806 g waves life
## 1807 g waves your
## 1808 g waves radio
## 1809 g waves down
## 1810 g waves the
## 1811 g waves too
## 1812 g waves real
## 1813 g waves lif
## 1814 d you're catching
## 1815 d you're that
## 1816 d you're breeze
## 1817 d you're 'til
## 1818 d you're dead
## 1819 d you're in
## 1820 d you're the
## 1821 d you're grave
## 1822 d catching you're
## 1823 d catching that
## 1824 d catching breeze
## 1825 d catching 'til
## 1826 d catching you're
## 1827 d catching dead
## 1828 d catching in
## 1829 d catching the
## 1830 d catching grave
## 1831 d that you're
## 1832 d that catching
## 1833 d that breeze
## 1834 d that 'til
## 1835 d that you're
## 1836 d that dead
## 1837 d that in
## 1838 d that the
## 1839 d that grave
## 1840 d breeze you're
## 1841 d breeze catching
## 1842 d breeze that
## 1843 d breeze 'til
## 1844 d breeze you're
## 1845 d breeze dead
## 1846 d breeze in
## 1847 d breeze the
## 1848 d breeze grave
## 1849 d 'til you're
## 1850 d 'til catching
## 1851 d 'til that
## 1852 d 'til breeze
## 1853 d 'til you're
## 1854 d 'til dead
## 1855 d 'til in
## 1856 d 'til the
## 1857 d 'til grave
## 1858 d you're catching
## 1859 d you're that
## 1860 d you're breeze
## 1861 d you're 'til
## 1862 d you're dead
## 1863 d you're in
## 1864 d you're the
## 1865 d you're grave
## 1866 d dead you're
## 1867 d dead catching
## 1868 d dead that
## 1869 d dead breeze
## 1870 d dead 'til
## 1871 d dead you're
## 1872 d dead in
## 1873 d dead the
## 1874 d dead grave
## 1875 d in you're
## 1876 d in catching
## 1877 d in that
## 1878 d in breeze
## 1879 d in 'til
## 1880 d in you're
## 1881 d in dead
## 1882 d in the
## 1883 d in grave
## 1884 d the you're
## 1885 d the catching
## 1886 d the that
## 1887 d the breeze
## 1888 d the 'til
## 1889 d the you're
## 1890 d the dead
## 1891 d the in
## 1892 d the grave
## 1893 a but you're
## 1894 a but keepin'
## 1895 a but it
## 1896 a but surreal,
## 1897 a but whatever
## 1898 a you're but
## 1899 a you're keepin'
## 1900 a you're it
## 1901 a you're surreal,
## 1902 a you're whatever
## 1903 a keepin' but
## 1904 a keepin' you're
## 1905 a keepin' it
## 1906 a keepin' surreal,
## 1907 a keepin' whatever
## 1908 a it but
## 1909 a it you're
## 1910 a it keepin'
## 1911 a it surreal,
## 1912 a it whatever
## 1913 a surreal, but
## 1914 a surreal, you're
## 1915 a surreal, keepin'
## 1916 a surreal, it
## 1917 a surreal, whatever
## 1918 a whatever but
## 1919 a whatever you're
## 1920 a whatever keepin'
## 1921 a whatever it
## 1922 a whatever surreal,
## 1923 c you like
## 1924 c you sugar
## 1925 c you free
## 1926 c you since
## 1927 c you were
## 1928 c you born
## 1929 c you got
## 1930 c you the
## 1931 c you beach
## 1932 c you like
## 1933 c you since
## 1934 c you were
## 1935 c you born,
## 1936 c you yeah
## 1937 c you got
## 1938 c you the
## 1939 c you beach
## 1940 c you i
## 1941 c you wanted
## 1942 c you trippier
## 1943 c you every
## 1944 c you day
## 1945 c you since
## 1946 c you were
## 1947 c you born
## 1948 c you got
## 1949 c you the
## 1950 c you beach
## 1951 c like you
## 1952 c like sugar
## 1953 c like free
## 1954 c like since
## 1955 c like you
## 1956 c like were
## 1957 c like born
## 1958 c like got
## 1959 c like the
## 1960 c like beach
## 1961 c like you
## 1962 c like since
## 1963 c like you
## 1964 c like were
## 1965 c like born,
## 1966 c like yeah
## 1967 c like got
## 1968 c like the
## 1969 c like beach
## 1970 c like i
## 1971 c like wanted
## 1972 c like trippier
## 1973 c like every
## 1974 c like day
## 1975 c like since
## 1976 c like you
## 1977 c like were
## 1978 c like born
## 1979 c like got
## 1980 c like the
## 1981 c like beach
## 1982 g whatever feels
## 1983 g whatever good,
## 1984 g whatever whateve
## 1985 g whatever feels
## 1986 g whatever good,
## 1987 g whatever whateve
## 1988 g feels whatever
## 1989 g feels good,
## 1990 g feels whateve
## 1991 g feels whatever
## 1992 g feels good,
## 1993 g feels whateve
## 1994 g good, whatever
## 1995 g good, feels
## 1996 g good, whateve
## 1997 g good, whatever
## 1998 g good, feels
## 1999 g good, whateve
## 2000 g whateve whatever
## 2001 g whateve feels
## 2002 g whateve good,
## 2003 g whateve whatever
## 2004 g whateve feels
## 2005 g whateve good,
## 2006 d takes you
## 2007 d takes mountain
## 2008 d takes high
## 2009 d takes kept
## 2010 d takes you
## 2011 d takes warm
## 2012 d takes got
## 2013 d takes the
## 2014 d takes beach
## 2015 d takes you
## 2016 d takes mountain
## 2017 d takes high
## 2018 d takes life
## 2019 d takes kept
## 2020 d takes you
## 2021 d takes warm
## 2022 d takes got
## 2023 d takes the
## 2024 d takes beach
## 2025 d takes would
## 2026 d takes be
## 2027 d takes (thought
## 2028 d takes it
## 2029 d takes would
## 2030 d takes be)
## 2031 d takes goin'
## 2032 d takes ape
## 2033 d takes shit
## 2034 d takes crazy
## 2035 d takes kept
## 2036 d takes you
## 2037 d takes warm
## 2038 d takes got
## 2039 d takes the
## 2040 d takes beach
## 2041 d you takes
## 2042 d you mountain
## 2043 d you high
## 2044 d you kept
## 2045 d you warm
## 2046 d you got
## 2047 d you the
## 2048 d you beach
## 2049 d you takes
## 2050 d you mountain
## 2051 d you high
## 2052 d you life
## 2053 d you kept
## 2054 d you warm
## 2055 d you got
## 2056 d you the
## 2057 d you beach
## 2058 d you would
## 2059 d you be
## 2060 d you (thought
## 2061 d you it
## 2062 d you would
## 2063 d you be)
## 2064 d you goin'
## 2065 d you ape
## 2066 d you shit
## 2067 d you crazy
## 2068 d you kept
## 2069 d you warm
## 2070 d you got
## 2071 d you the
## 2072 d you beach
## 2073 d mountain takes
## 2074 d mountain you
## 2075 d mountain high
## 2076 d mountain kept
## 2077 d mountain you
## 2078 d mountain warm
## 2079 d mountain got
## 2080 d mountain the
## 2081 d mountain beach
## 2082 d mountain takes
## 2083 d mountain you
## 2084 d mountain high
## 2085 d mountain life
## 2086 d mountain kept
## 2087 d mountain you
## 2088 d mountain warm
## 2089 d mountain got
## 2090 d mountain the
## 2091 d mountain beach
## 2092 d mountain would
## 2093 d mountain be
## 2094 d mountain (thought
## 2095 d mountain it
## 2096 d mountain would
## 2097 d mountain be)
## 2098 d mountain goin'
## 2099 d mountain ape
## 2100 d mountain shit
## 2101 d mountain crazy
## 2102 d mountain kept
## 2103 d mountain you
## 2104 d mountain warm
## 2105 d mountain got
## 2106 d mountain the
## 2107 d mountain beach
## 2108 d high takes
## 2109 d high you
## 2110 d high mountain
## 2111 d high kept
## 2112 d high you
## 2113 d high warm
## 2114 d high got
## 2115 d high the
## 2116 d high beach
## 2117 d high takes
## 2118 d high you
## 2119 d high mountain
## 2120 d high life
## 2121 d high kept
## 2122 d high you
## 2123 d high warm
## 2124 d high got
## 2125 d high the
## 2126 d high beach
## 2127 d high would
## 2128 d high be
## 2129 d high (thought
## 2130 d high it
## 2131 d high would
## 2132 d high be)
## 2133 d high goin'
## 2134 d high ape
## 2135 d high shit
## 2136 d high crazy
## 2137 d high kept
## 2138 d high you
## 2139 d high warm
## 2140 d high got
## 2141 d high the
## 2142 d high beach
## 2143 a keepin' it
## 2144 a keepin' surreal,
## 2145 a keepin' not
## 2146 a keepin' it
## 2147 a keepin' surreal,
## 2148 a keepin' not
## 2149 a it keepin'
## 2150 a it surreal,
## 2151 a it not
## 2152 a it keepin'
## 2153 a it surreal,
## 2154 a it not
## 2155 a surreal, keepin'
## 2156 a surreal, it
## 2157 a surreal, not
## 2158 a surreal, keepin'
## 2159 a surreal, it
## 2160 a surreal, not
## 2161 a not keepin'
## 2162 a not it
## 2163 a not surreal,
## 2164 a not keepin'
## 2165 a not it
## 2166 a not surreal,
## 2167 c sugar free,
## 2168 c sugar my
## 2169 c sugar tv
## 2170 c sugar ain't
## 2171 c sugar hd,
## 2172 c sugar that's
## 2173 c free, sugar
## 2174 c free, my
## 2175 c free, tv
## 2176 c free, ain't
## 2177 c free, hd,
## 2178 c free, that's
## 2179 c my sugar
## 2180 c my free,
## 2181 c my tv
## 2182 c my ain't
## 2183 c my hd,
## 2184 c my that's
## 2185 c tv sugar
## 2186 c tv free,
## 2187 c tv my
## 2188 c tv ain't
## 2189 c tv hd,
## 2190 c tv that's
## 2191 c ain't sugar
## 2192 c ain't free,
## 2193 c ain't my
## 2194 c ain't tv
## 2195 c ain't hd,
## 2196 c ain't that's
## 2197 c hd, sugar
## 2198 c hd, free,
## 2199 c hd, my
## 2200 c hd, tv
## 2201 c hd, ain't
## 2202 c hd, that's
## 2203 c that's sugar
## 2204 c that's free,
## 2205 c that's my
## 2206 c that's tv
## 2207 c that's ain't
## 2208 c that's hd,
## 2209 g too sweet
## 2210 g too life
## 2211 g too sweet
## 2212 g too life
## 2213 g too your
## 2214 g too radio
## 2215 g too down
## 2216 g too the
## 2217 g too waves
## 2218 g too real
## 2219 g too lif
## 2220 g real sweet
## 2221 g real life
## 2222 g real sweet
## 2223 g real life
## 2224 g real your
## 2225 g real radio
## 2226 g real down
## 2227 g real the
## 2228 g real waves
## 2229 g real too
## 2230 g real lif
## 2231 d grapevines, the
## 2232 d grapevines, water's
## 2233 d grapevines, blue,
## 2234 d grapevines, swallow
## 2235 d grapevines, the
## 2236 d grapevines, pill
## 2237 d grapevines, mango,
## 2238 d grapevines, peaches,
## 2239 d grapevines, and
## 2240 d grapevines, lime,
## 2241 d grapevines, a
## 2242 d grapevines, sweet
## 2243 d grapevines, life
## 2244 d mango, the
## 2245 d mango, water's
## 2246 d mango, blue,
## 2247 d mango, swallow
## 2248 d mango, the
## 2249 d mango, pill
## 2250 d mango, grapevines,
## 2251 d mango, peaches,
## 2252 d mango, and
## 2253 d mango, lime,
## 2254 d mango, a
## 2255 d mango, sweet
## 2256 d mango, life
## 2257 d peaches, the
## 2258 d peaches, water's
## 2259 d peaches, blue,
## 2260 d peaches, swallow
## 2261 d peaches, the
## 2262 d peaches, pill
## 2263 d peaches, grapevines,
## 2264 d peaches, mango,
## 2265 d peaches, and
## 2266 d peaches, lime,
## 2267 d peaches, a
## 2268 d peaches, sweet
## 2269 d peaches, life
## 2270 d and the
## 2271 d and water's
## 2272 d and blue,
## 2273 d and swallow
## 2274 d and the
## 2275 d and pill
## 2276 d and grapevines,
## 2277 d and mango,
## 2278 d and peaches,
## 2279 d and lime,
## 2280 d and a
## 2281 d and sweet
## 2282 d and life
## 2283 d lime, the
## 2284 d lime, water's
## 2285 d lime, blue,
## 2286 d lime, swallow
## 2287 d lime, the
## 2288 d lime, pill
## 2289 d lime, grapevines,
## 2290 d lime, mango,
## 2291 d lime, peaches,
## 2292 d lime, and
## 2293 d lime, a
## 2294 d lime, sweet
## 2295 d lime, life
## 2296 d a the
## 2297 d a water's
## 2298 d a blue,
## 2299 d a swallow
## 2300 d a the
## 2301 d a pill
## 2302 d a grapevines,
## 2303 d a mango,
## 2304 d a peaches,
## 2305 d a and
## 2306 d a lime,
## 2307 d a sweet
## 2308 d a life
## 2309 d sweet the
## 2310 d sweet water's
## 2311 d sweet blue,
## 2312 d sweet swallow
## 2313 d sweet the
## 2314 d sweet pill
## 2315 d sweet grapevines,
## 2316 d sweet mango,
## 2317 d sweet peaches,
## 2318 d sweet and
## 2319 d sweet lime,
## 2320 d sweet a
## 2321 d sweet life
## 2322 d life the
## 2323 d life water's
## 2324 d life blue,
## 2325 d life swallow
## 2326 d life the
## 2327 d life pill
## 2328 d life grapevines,
## 2329 d life mango,
## 2330 d life peaches,
## 2331 d life and
## 2332 d life lime,
## 2333 d life a
## 2334 d life sweet
## 2335 c a sweet
## 2336 c a life,
## 2337 c a yeah
## 2338 c sweet a
## 2339 c sweet life,
## 2340 c sweet yeah
## 2341 c life, a
## 2342 c life, sweet
## 2343 c life, yeah
## 2344 c yeah a
## 2345 c yeah sweet
## 2346 c yeah life,
## 2347 g a sweet
## 2348 g a life,
## 2349 g a sweet
## 2350 g sweet a
## 2351 g sweet life,
## 2352 g sweet a
## 2353 g life, a
## 2354 g life, sweet
## 2355 g life, a
## 2356 g life, sweet
## 2357 g a sweet
## 2358 g a life,
## 2359 g a sweet
## 2360 g sweet a
## 2361 g sweet life,
## 2362 g sweet a
## 2363 d life takes
## 2364 d life you
## 2365 d life mountain
## 2366 d life high
## 2367 d life kept
## 2368 d life you
## 2369 d life warm
## 2370 d life got
## 2371 d life the
## 2372 d life beach
## 2373 d life takes
## 2374 d life you
## 2375 d life mountain
## 2376 d life high
## 2377 d life kept
## 2378 d life you
## 2379 d life warm
## 2380 d life got
## 2381 d life the
## 2382 d life beach
## 2383 d life would
## 2384 d life be
## 2385 d life (thought
## 2386 d life it
## 2387 d life would
## 2388 d life be)
## 2389 d life goin'
## 2390 d life ape
## 2391 d life shit
## 2392 d life crazy
## 2393 d life kept
## 2394 d life you
## 2395 d life warm
## 2396 d life got
## 2397 d life the
## 2398 d life beach
## 2399 c live and
## 2400 c live die
## 2401 c live in
## 2402 c live the
## 2403 c and live
## 2404 c and die
## 2405 c and in
## 2406 c and the
## 2407 c die live
## 2408 c die and
## 2409 c die in
## 2410 c die the
## 2411 c in live
## 2412 c in and
## 2413 c in die
## 2414 c in the
## 2415 c the live
## 2416 c the and
## 2417 c the die
## 2418 c the in
## 2419 g lif sweet
## 2420 g lif life
## 2421 g lif sweet
## 2422 g lif life
## 2423 g lif your
## 2424 g lif radio
## 2425 g lif down
## 2426 g lif the
## 2427 g lif waves
## 2428 g lif too
## 2429 g lif real
## 2430 a you've had
## 2431 a you've a
## 2432 a you've landscaper
## 2433 a you've and
## 2434 a you've a
## 2435 a you've house
## 2436 a you've keepe
## 2437 a you've had
## 2438 a you've a
## 2439 a you've landscaper
## 2440 a you've and
## 2441 a you've a
## 2442 a you've house
## 2443 a you've keepe
## 2444 a you've had
## 2445 a you've a
## 2446 a you've landscaper
## 2447 a you've and
## 2448 a you've a
## 2449 a you've house
## 2450 a you've keepe
## 2451 a had you've
## 2452 a had a
## 2453 a had landscaper
## 2454 a had and
## 2455 a had a
## 2456 a had house
## 2457 a had keepe
## 2458 a had you've
## 2459 a had a
## 2460 a had landscaper
## 2461 a had and
## 2462 a had a
## 2463 a had house
## 2464 a had keepe
## 2465 a had you've
## 2466 a had a
## 2467 a had landscaper
## 2468 a had and
## 2469 a had a
## 2470 a had house
## 2471 a had keepe
## 2472 a a you've
## 2473 a a had
## 2474 a a landscaper
## 2475 a a and
## 2476 a a house
## 2477 a a keepe
## 2478 a a you've
## 2479 a a had
## 2480 a a landscaper
## 2481 a a and
## 2482 a a house
## 2483 a a keepe
## 2484 a a you've
## 2485 a a had
## 2486 a a landscaper
## 2487 a a and
## 2488 a a house
## 2489 a a keepe
## 2490 a landscaper you've
## 2491 a landscaper had
## 2492 a landscaper a
## 2493 a landscaper and
## 2494 a landscaper a
## 2495 a landscaper house
## 2496 a landscaper keepe
## 2497 a landscaper you've
## 2498 a landscaper had
## 2499 a landscaper a
## 2500 a landscaper and
## 2501 a landscaper a
## 2502 a landscaper house
## 2503 a landscaper keepe
## 2504 a landscaper you've
## 2505 a landscaper had
## 2506 a landscaper a
## 2507 a landscaper and
## 2508 a landscaper a
## 2509 a landscaper house
## 2510 a landscaper keepe
## 2511 a and you've
## 2512 a and had
## 2513 a and a
## 2514 a and landscaper
## 2515 a and a
## 2516 a and house
## 2517 a and keepe
## 2518 a and you've
## 2519 a and had
## 2520 a and a
## 2521 a and landscaper
## 2522 a and a
## 2523 a and house
## 2524 a and keepe
## 2525 a and you've
## 2526 a and had
## 2527 a and a
## 2528 a and landscaper
## 2529 a and a
## 2530 a and house
## 2531 a and keepe
## 2532 a a you've
## 2533 a a had
## 2534 a a landscaper
## 2535 a a and
## 2536 a a house
## 2537 a a keepe
## 2538 a a you've
## 2539 a a had
## 2540 a a landscaper
## 2541 a a and
## 2542 a a house
## 2543 a a keepe
## 2544 a a you've
## 2545 a a had
## 2546 a a landscaper
## 2547 a a and
## 2548 a a house
## 2549 a a keepe
## 2550 a house you've
## 2551 a house had
## 2552 a house a
## 2553 a house landscaper
## 2554 a house and
## 2555 a house a
## 2556 a house keepe
## 2557 a house you've
## 2558 a house had
## 2559 a house a
## 2560 a house landscaper
## 2561 a house and
## 2562 a house a
## 2563 a house keepe
## 2564 a house you've
## 2565 a house had
## 2566 a house a
## 2567 a house landscaper
## 2568 a house and
## 2569 a house a
## 2570 a house keepe
## 2571 a keepe you've
## 2572 a keepe had
## 2573 a keepe a
## 2574 a keepe landscaper
## 2575 a keepe and
## 2576 a keepe a
## 2577 a keepe house
## 2578 a keepe you've
## 2579 a keepe had
## 2580 a keepe a
## 2581 a keepe landscaper
## 2582 a keepe and
## 2583 a keepe a
## 2584 a keepe house
## 2585 a keepe you've
## 2586 a keepe had
## 2587 a keepe a
## 2588 a keepe landscaper
## 2589 a keepe and
## 2590 a keepe a
## 2591 a keepe house
## 2592 c since you
## 2593 c since like
## 2594 c since sugar
## 2595 c since free
## 2596 c since you
## 2597 c since were
## 2598 c since born
## 2599 c since got
## 2600 c since the
## 2601 c since beach
## 2602 c since you
## 2603 c since like
## 2604 c since you
## 2605 c since were
## 2606 c since born,
## 2607 c since yeah
## 2608 c since got
## 2609 c since the
## 2610 c since beach
## 2611 c since i
## 2612 c since wanted
## 2613 c since trippier
## 2614 c since every
## 2615 c since day
## 2616 c since you
## 2617 c since were
## 2618 c since born
## 2619 c since got
## 2620 c since the
## 2621 c since beach
## 2622 c you like
## 2623 c you sugar
## 2624 c you free
## 2625 c you since
## 2626 c you were
## 2627 c you born
## 2628 c you got
## 2629 c you the
## 2630 c you beach
## 2631 c you like
## 2632 c you since
## 2633 c you were
## 2634 c you born,
## 2635 c you yeah
## 2636 c you got
## 2637 c you the
## 2638 c you beach
## 2639 c you i
## 2640 c you wanted
## 2641 c you trippier
## 2642 c you every
## 2643 c you day
## 2644 c you since
## 2645 c you were
## 2646 c you born
## 2647 c you got
## 2648 c you the
## 2649 c you beach
## 2650 c were you
## 2651 c were like
## 2652 c were sugar
## 2653 c were free
## 2654 c were since
## 2655 c were you
## 2656 c were born
## 2657 c were got
## 2658 c were the
## 2659 c were beach
## 2660 c were you
## 2661 c were like
## 2662 c were since
## 2663 c were you
## 2664 c were born,
## 2665 c were yeah
## 2666 c were got
## 2667 c were the
## 2668 c were beach
## 2669 c were i
## 2670 c were wanted
## 2671 c were trippier
## 2672 c were every
## 2673 c were day
## 2674 c were since
## 2675 c were you
## 2676 c were born
## 2677 c were got
## 2678 c were the
## 2679 c were beach
## 2680 c born, you
## 2681 c born, like
## 2682 c born, sugar
## 2683 c born, free
## 2684 c born, since
## 2685 c born, you
## 2686 c born, were
## 2687 c born, born
## 2688 c born, got
## 2689 c born, the
## 2690 c born, beach
## 2691 c born, you
## 2692 c born, like
## 2693 c born, since
## 2694 c born, you
## 2695 c born, were
## 2696 c born, yeah
## 2697 c born, got
## 2698 c born, the
## 2699 c born, beach
## 2700 c born, i
## 2701 c born, wanted
## 2702 c born, trippier
## 2703 c born, every
## 2704 c born, day
## 2705 c born, since
## 2706 c born, you
## 2707 c born, were
## 2708 c born, born
## 2709 c born, got
## 2710 c born, the
## 2711 c born, beach
## 2712 c yeah you
## 2713 c yeah like
## 2714 c yeah sugar
## 2715 c yeah free
## 2716 c yeah since
## 2717 c yeah you
## 2718 c yeah were
## 2719 c yeah born
## 2720 c yeah got
## 2721 c yeah the
## 2722 c yeah beach
## 2723 c yeah you
## 2724 c yeah like
## 2725 c yeah since
## 2726 c yeah you
## 2727 c yeah were
## 2728 c yeah born,
## 2729 c yeah got
## 2730 c yeah the
## 2731 c yeah beach
## 2732 c yeah i
## 2733 c yeah wanted
## 2734 c yeah trippier
## 2735 c yeah every
## 2736 c yeah day
## 2737 c yeah since
## 2738 c yeah you
## 2739 c yeah were
## 2740 c yeah born
## 2741 c yeah got
## 2742 c yeah the
## 2743 c yeah beach
## 2744 g the sunshine
## 2745 g the alway
## 2746 g the sunshine
## 2747 g the alway
## 2748 g the sunshine
## 2749 g the alway
## 2750 g sunshine the
## 2751 g sunshine alway
## 2752 g sunshine the
## 2753 g sunshine alway
## 2754 g sunshine the
## 2755 g sunshine alway
## 2756 g alway the
## 2757 g alway sunshine
## 2758 g alway the
## 2759 g alway sunshine
## 2760 g alway the
## 2761 g alway sunshine
## 2762 d kept takes
## 2763 d kept you
## 2764 d kept mountain
## 2765 d kept high
## 2766 d kept you
## 2767 d kept warm
## 2768 d kept got
## 2769 d kept the
## 2770 d kept beach
## 2771 d kept takes
## 2772 d kept you
## 2773 d kept mountain
## 2774 d kept high
## 2775 d kept life
## 2776 d kept you
## 2777 d kept warm
## 2778 d kept got
## 2779 d kept the
## 2780 d kept beach
## 2781 d kept would
## 2782 d kept be
## 2783 d kept (thought
## 2784 d kept it
## 2785 d kept would
## 2786 d kept be)
## 2787 d kept goin'
## 2788 d kept ape
## 2789 d kept shit
## 2790 d kept crazy
## 2791 d kept you
## 2792 d kept warm
## 2793 d kept got
## 2794 d kept the
## 2795 d kept beach
## 2796 d you takes
## 2797 d you mountain
## 2798 d you high
## 2799 d you kept
## 2800 d you warm
## 2801 d you got
## 2802 d you the
## 2803 d you beach
## 2804 d you takes
## 2805 d you mountain
## 2806 d you high
## 2807 d you life
## 2808 d you kept
## 2809 d you warm
## 2810 d you got
## 2811 d you the
## 2812 d you beach
## 2813 d you would
## 2814 d you be
## 2815 d you (thought
## 2816 d you it
## 2817 d you would
## 2818 d you be)
## 2819 d you goin'
## 2820 d you ape
## 2821 d you shit
## 2822 d you crazy
## 2823 d you kept
## 2824 d you warm
## 2825 d you got
## 2826 d you the
## 2827 d you beach
## 2828 d warm takes
## 2829 d warm you
## 2830 d warm mountain
## 2831 d warm high
## 2832 d warm kept
## 2833 d warm you
## 2834 d warm got
## 2835 d warm the
## 2836 d warm beach
## 2837 d warm takes
## 2838 d warm you
## 2839 d warm mountain
## 2840 d warm high
## 2841 d warm life
## 2842 d warm kept
## 2843 d warm you
## 2844 d warm got
## 2845 d warm the
## 2846 d warm beach
## 2847 d warm would
## 2848 d warm be
## 2849 d warm (thought
## 2850 d warm it
## 2851 d warm would
## 2852 d warm be)
## 2853 d warm goin'
## 2854 d warm ape
## 2855 d warm shit
## 2856 d warm crazy
## 2857 d warm kept
## 2858 d warm you
## 2859 d warm got
## 2860 d warm the
## 2861 d warm beach
## 2862 a so why
## 2863 a so see
## 2864 a so the
## 2865 a so world,
## 2866 a so when
## 2867 a so you
## 2868 a so why
## 2869 a so see
## 2870 a so the
## 2871 a so world,
## 2872 a so when
## 2873 a so you
## 2874 a so why
## 2875 a so see
## 2876 a so the
## 2877 a so world,
## 2878 a so when
## 2879 a so you
## 2880 a why so
## 2881 a why see
## 2882 a why the
## 2883 a why world,
## 2884 a why when
## 2885 a why you
## 2886 a why so
## 2887 a why see
## 2888 a why the
## 2889 a why world,
## 2890 a why when
## 2891 a why you
## 2892 a why so
## 2893 a why see
## 2894 a why the
## 2895 a why world,
## 2896 a why when
## 2897 a why you
## 2898 a see so
## 2899 a see why
## 2900 a see the
## 2901 a see world,
## 2902 a see when
## 2903 a see you
## 2904 a see so
## 2905 a see why
## 2906 a see the
## 2907 a see world,
## 2908 a see when
## 2909 a see you
## 2910 a see so
## 2911 a see why
## 2912 a see the
## 2913 a see world,
## 2914 a see when
## 2915 a see you
## 2916 a the so
## 2917 a the why
## 2918 a the see
## 2919 a the world,
## 2920 a the when
## 2921 a the you
## 2922 a the so
## 2923 a the why
## 2924 a the see
## 2925 a the world,
## 2926 a the when
## 2927 a the you
## 2928 a the so
## 2929 a the why
## 2930 a the see
## 2931 a the world,
## 2932 a the when
## 2933 a the you
## 2934 a world, so
## 2935 a world, why
## 2936 a world, see
## 2937 a world, the
## 2938 a world, when
## 2939 a world, you
## 2940 a world, so
## 2941 a world, why
## 2942 a world, see
## 2943 a world, the
## 2944 a world, when
## 2945 a world, you
## 2946 a world, so
## 2947 a world, why
## 2948 a world, see
## 2949 a world, the
## 2950 a world, when
## 2951 a world, you
## 2952 a when so
## 2953 a when why
## 2954 a when see
## 2955 a when the
## 2956 a when world,
## 2957 a when you
## 2958 a when so
## 2959 a when why
## 2960 a when see
## 2961 a when the
## 2962 a when world,
## 2963 a when you
## 2964 a when so
## 2965 a when why
## 2966 a when see
## 2967 a when the
## 2968 a when world,
## 2969 a when you
## 2970 a you so
## 2971 a you why
## 2972 a you see
## 2973 a you the
## 2974 a you world,
## 2975 a you when
## 2976 a you so
## 2977 a you why
## 2978 a you see
## 2979 a you the
## 2980 a you world,
## 2981 a you when
## 2982 a you so
## 2983 a you why
## 2984 a you see
## 2985 a you the
## 2986 a you world,
## 2987 a you when
## 2988 c got you
## 2989 c got like
## 2990 c got sugar
## 2991 c got free
## 2992 c got since
## 2993 c got you
## 2994 c got were
## 2995 c got born
## 2996 c got the
## 2997 c got beach
## 2998 c got you
## 2999 c got like
## 3000 c got since
## 3001 c got you
## 3002 c got were
## 3003 c got born,
## 3004 c got yeah
## 3005 c got the
## 3006 c got beach
## 3007 c got i
## 3008 c got wanted
## 3009 c got trippier
## 3010 c got every
## 3011 c got day
## 3012 c got since
## 3013 c got you
## 3014 c got were
## 3015 c got born
## 3016 c got the
## 3017 c got beach
## 3018 c the you
## 3019 c the like
## 3020 c the sugar
## 3021 c the free
## 3022 c the since
## 3023 c the you
## 3024 c the were
## 3025 c the born
## 3026 c the got
## 3027 c the beach
## 3028 c the you
## 3029 c the like
## 3030 c the since
## 3031 c the you
## 3032 c the were
## 3033 c the born,
## 3034 c the yeah
## 3035 c the got
## 3036 c the beach
## 3037 c the i
## 3038 c the wanted
## 3039 c the trippier
## 3040 c the every
## 3041 c the day
## 3042 c the since
## 3043 c the you
## 3044 c the were
## 3045 c the born
## 3046 c the got
## 3047 c the beach
## 3048 c beach you
## 3049 c beach like
## 3050 c beach sugar
## 3051 c beach free
## 3052 c beach since
## 3053 c beach you
## 3054 c beach were
## 3055 c beach born
## 3056 c beach got
## 3057 c beach the
## 3058 c beach you
## 3059 c beach like
## 3060 c beach since
## 3061 c beach you
## 3062 c beach were
## 3063 c beach born,
## 3064 c beach yeah
## 3065 c beach got
## 3066 c beach the
## 3067 c beach i
## 3068 c beach wanted
## 3069 c beach trippier
## 3070 c beach every
## 3071 c beach day
## 3072 c beach since
## 3073 c beach you
## 3074 c beach were
## 3075 c beach born
## 3076 c beach got
## 3077 c beach the
## 3078 g don't know
## 3079 g don't why
## 3080 g don't see
## 3081 g don't the
## 3082 g don't world,
## 3083 g don't when
## 3084 g don't you
## 3085 g don't know
## 3086 g don't why
## 3087 g don't see
## 3088 g don't the
## 3089 g don't world,
## 3090 g don't when
## 3091 g don't you
## 3092 g don't know
## 3093 g don't why
## 3094 g don't see
## 3095 g don't the
## 3096 g don't world,
## 3097 g don't when
## 3098 g don't you
## 3099 g know don't
## 3100 g know why
## 3101 g know see
## 3102 g know the
## 3103 g know world,
## 3104 g know when
## 3105 g know you
## 3106 g know don't
## 3107 g know why
## 3108 g know see
## 3109 g know the
## 3110 g know world,
## 3111 g know when
## 3112 g know you
## 3113 g know don't
## 3114 g know why
## 3115 g know see
## 3116 g know the
## 3117 g know world,
## 3118 g know when
## 3119 g know you
## 3120 g why don't
## 3121 g why know
## 3122 g why see
## 3123 g why the
## 3124 g why world,
## 3125 g why when
## 3126 g why you
## 3127 g why don't
## 3128 g why know
## 3129 g why see
## 3130 g why the
## 3131 g why world,
## 3132 g why when
## 3133 g why you
## 3134 g why don't
## 3135 g why know
## 3136 g why see
## 3137 g why the
## 3138 g why world,
## 3139 g why when
## 3140 g why you
## 3141 g see don't
## 3142 g see know
## 3143 g see why
## 3144 g see the
## 3145 g see world,
## 3146 g see when
## 3147 g see you
## 3148 g see don't
## 3149 g see know
## 3150 g see why
## 3151 g see the
## 3152 g see world,
## 3153 g see when
## 3154 g see you
## 3155 g see don't
## 3156 g see know
## 3157 g see why
## 3158 g see the
## 3159 g see world,
## 3160 g see when
## 3161 g see you
## 3162 g the don't
## 3163 g the know
## 3164 g the why
## 3165 g the see
## 3166 g the world,
## 3167 g the when
## 3168 g the you
## 3169 g the don't
## 3170 g the know
## 3171 g the why
## 3172 g the see
## 3173 g the world,
## 3174 g the when
## 3175 g the you
## 3176 g the don't
## 3177 g the know
## 3178 g the why
## 3179 g the see
## 3180 g the world,
## 3181 g the when
## 3182 g the you
## 3183 g world, don't
## 3184 g world, know
## 3185 g world, why
## 3186 g world, see
## 3187 g world, the
## 3188 g world, when
## 3189 g world, you
## 3190 g world, don't
## 3191 g world, know
## 3192 g world, why
## 3193 g world, see
## 3194 g world, the
## 3195 g world, when
## 3196 g world, you
## 3197 g world, don't
## 3198 g world, know
## 3199 g world, why
## 3200 g world, see
## 3201 g world, the
## 3202 g world, when
## 3203 g world, you
## 3204 g when don't
## 3205 g when know
## 3206 g when why
## 3207 g when see
## 3208 g when the
## 3209 g when world,
## 3210 g when you
## 3211 g when don't
## 3212 g when know
## 3213 g when why
## 3214 g when see
## 3215 g when the
## 3216 g when world,
## 3217 g when you
## 3218 g when don't
## 3219 g when know
## 3220 g when why
## 3221 g when see
## 3222 g when the
## 3223 g when world,
## 3224 g when you
## 3225 g you don't
## 3226 g you know
## 3227 g you why
## 3228 g you see
## 3229 g you the
## 3230 g you world,
## 3231 g you when
## 3232 g you don't
## 3233 g you know
## 3234 g you why
## 3235 g you see
## 3236 g you the
## 3237 g you world,
## 3238 g you when
## 3239 g you don't
## 3240 g you know
## 3241 g you why
## 3242 g you see
## 3243 g you the
## 3244 g you world,
## 3245 g you when
## 3246 d got takes
## 3247 d got you
## 3248 d got mountain
## 3249 d got high
## 3250 d got kept
## 3251 d got you
## 3252 d got warm
## 3253 d got the
## 3254 d got beach
## 3255 d got takes
## 3256 d got you
## 3257 d got mountain
## 3258 d got high
## 3259 d got life
## 3260 d got kept
## 3261 d got you
## 3262 d got warm
## 3263 d got the
## 3264 d got beach
## 3265 d got would
## 3266 d got be
## 3267 d got (thought
## 3268 d got it
## 3269 d got would
## 3270 d got be)
## 3271 d got goin'
## 3272 d got ape
## 3273 d got shit
## 3274 d got crazy
## 3275 d got kept
## 3276 d got you
## 3277 d got warm
## 3278 d got the
## 3279 d got beach
## 3280 d the takes
## 3281 d the you
## 3282 d the mountain
## 3283 d the high
## 3284 d the kept
## 3285 d the you
## 3286 d the warm
## 3287 d the got
## 3288 d the beach
## 3289 d the takes
## 3290 d the you
## 3291 d the mountain
## 3292 d the high
## 3293 d the life
## 3294 d the kept
## 3295 d the you
## 3296 d the warm
## 3297 d the got
## 3298 d the beach
## 3299 d the would
## 3300 d the be
## 3301 d the (thought
## 3302 d the it
## 3303 d the would
## 3304 d the be)
## 3305 d the goin'
## 3306 d the ape
## 3307 d the shit
## 3308 d the crazy
## 3309 d the kept
## 3310 d the you
## 3311 d the warm
## 3312 d the got
## 3313 d the beach
## 3314 d beach takes
## 3315 d beach you
## 3316 d beach mountain
## 3317 d beach high
## 3318 d beach kept
## 3319 d beach you
## 3320 d beach warm
## 3321 d beach got
## 3322 d beach the
## 3323 d beach takes
## 3324 d beach you
## 3325 d beach mountain
## 3326 d beach high
## 3327 d beach life
## 3328 d beach kept
## 3329 d beach you
## 3330 d beach warm
## 3331 d beach got
## 3332 d beach the
## 3333 d beach would
## 3334 d beach be
## 3335 d beach (thought
## 3336 d beach it
## 3337 d beach would
## 3338 d beach be)
## 3339 d beach goin'
## 3340 d beach ape
## 3341 d beach shit
## 3342 d beach crazy
## 3343 d beach kept
## 3344 d beach you
## 3345 d beach warm
## 3346 d beach got
## 3347 d beach the
## 3348 a and keepin'
## 3349 a and it
## 3350 a and surreal,
## 3351 a and whatever
## 3352 a and the
## 3353 a and water,
## 3354 a and is
## 3355 a and exactly
## 3356 a and what
## 3357 a and but
## 3358 a and this
## 3359 a and neighborhood
## 3360 a and is
## 3361 a and gettin
## 3362 a the keepin'
## 3363 a the it
## 3364 a the surreal,
## 3365 a the whatever
## 3366 a the and
## 3367 a the water,
## 3368 a the is
## 3369 a the exactly
## 3370 a the what
## 3371 a the but
## 3372 a the this
## 3373 a the neighborhood
## 3374 a the is
## 3375 a the gettin
## 3376 a water, keepin'
## 3377 a water, it
## 3378 a water, surreal,
## 3379 a water, whatever
## 3380 a water, and
## 3381 a water, the
## 3382 a water, is
## 3383 a water, exactly
## 3384 a water, what
## 3385 a water, but
## 3386 a water, this
## 3387 a water, neighborhood
## 3388 a water, is
## 3389 a water, gettin
## 3390 a is keepin'
## 3391 a is it
## 3392 a is surreal,
## 3393 a is whatever
## 3394 a is and
## 3395 a is the
## 3396 a is water,
## 3397 a is exactly
## 3398 a is what
## 3399 a is but
## 3400 a is this
## 3401 a is neighborhood
## 3402 a is gettin
## 3403 a exactly keepin'
## 3404 a exactly it
## 3405 a exactly surreal,
## 3406 a exactly whatever
## 3407 a exactly and
## 3408 a exactly the
## 3409 a exactly water,
## 3410 a exactly is
## 3411 a exactly what
## 3412 a exactly but
## 3413 a exactly this
## 3414 a exactly neighborhood
## 3415 a exactly is
## 3416 a exactly gettin
## 3417 a what keepin'
## 3418 a what it
## 3419 a what surreal,
## 3420 a what whatever
## 3421 a what and
## 3422 a what the
## 3423 a what water,
## 3424 a what is
## 3425 a what exactly
## 3426 a what but
## 3427 a what this
## 3428 a what neighborhood
## 3429 a what is
## 3430 a what gettin
## 3431 c i you
## 3432 c i like
## 3433 c i sugar
## 3434 c i free
## 3435 c i since
## 3436 c i you
## 3437 c i were
## 3438 c i born
## 3439 c i got
## 3440 c i the
## 3441 c i beach
## 3442 c i you
## 3443 c i like
## 3444 c i since
## 3445 c i you
## 3446 c i were
## 3447 c i born,
## 3448 c i yeah
## 3449 c i got
## 3450 c i the
## 3451 c i beach
## 3452 c i wanted
## 3453 c i trippier
## 3454 c i every
## 3455 c i day
## 3456 c i since
## 3457 c i you
## 3458 c i were
## 3459 c i born
## 3460 c i got
## 3461 c i the
## 3462 c i beach
## 3463 c wanted you
## 3464 c wanted like
## 3465 c wanted sugar
## 3466 c wanted free
## 3467 c wanted since
## 3468 c wanted you
## 3469 c wanted were
## 3470 c wanted born
## 3471 c wanted got
## 3472 c wanted the
## 3473 c wanted beach
## 3474 c wanted you
## 3475 c wanted like
## 3476 c wanted since
## 3477 c wanted you
## 3478 c wanted were
## 3479 c wanted born,
## 3480 c wanted yeah
## 3481 c wanted got
## 3482 c wanted the
## 3483 c wanted beach
## 3484 c wanted i
## 3485 c wanted trippier
## 3486 c wanted every
## 3487 c wanted day
## 3488 c wanted since
## 3489 c wanted you
## 3490 c wanted were
## 3491 c wanted born
## 3492 c wanted got
## 3493 c wanted the
## 3494 c wanted beach
## 3495 g it's everything
## 3496 g it's i
## 3497 g it's thought
## 3498 g it's it
## 3499 g everything it's
## 3500 g everything i
## 3501 g everything thought
## 3502 g everything it
## 3503 g i it's
## 3504 g i everything
## 3505 g i thought
## 3506 g i it
## 3507 g thought it's
## 3508 g thought everything
## 3509 g thought i
## 3510 g thought it
## 3511 g it it's
## 3512 g it everything
## 3513 g it i
## 3514 g it thought
## 3515 d would takes
## 3516 d would you
## 3517 d would mountain
## 3518 d would high
## 3519 d would kept
## 3520 d would you
## 3521 d would warm
## 3522 d would got
## 3523 d would the
## 3524 d would beach
## 3525 d would takes
## 3526 d would you
## 3527 d would mountain
## 3528 d would high
## 3529 d would life
## 3530 d would kept
## 3531 d would you
## 3532 d would warm
## 3533 d would got
## 3534 d would the
## 3535 d would beach
## 3536 d would be
## 3537 d would (thought
## 3538 d would it
## 3539 d would be)
## 3540 d would goin'
## 3541 d would ape
## 3542 d would shit
## 3543 d would crazy
## 3544 d would kept
## 3545 d would you
## 3546 d would warm
## 3547 d would got
## 3548 d would the
## 3549 d would beach
## 3550 d be takes
## 3551 d be you
## 3552 d be mountain
## 3553 d be high
## 3554 d be kept
## 3555 d be you
## 3556 d be warm
## 3557 d be got
## 3558 d be the
## 3559 d be beach
## 3560 d be takes
## 3561 d be you
## 3562 d be mountain
## 3563 d be high
## 3564 d be life
## 3565 d be kept
## 3566 d be you
## 3567 d be warm
## 3568 d be got
## 3569 d be the
## 3570 d be beach
## 3571 d be would
## 3572 d be (thought
## 3573 d be it
## 3574 d be would
## 3575 d be be)
## 3576 d be goin'
## 3577 d be ape
## 3578 d be shit
## 3579 d be crazy
## 3580 d be kept
## 3581 d be you
## 3582 d be warm
## 3583 d be got
## 3584 d be the
## 3585 d be beach
## 3586 d (thought takes
## 3587 d (thought you
## 3588 d (thought mountain
## 3589 d (thought high
## 3590 d (thought kept
## 3591 d (thought you
## 3592 d (thought warm
## 3593 d (thought got
## 3594 d (thought the
## 3595 d (thought beach
## 3596 d (thought takes
## 3597 d (thought you
## 3598 d (thought mountain
## 3599 d (thought high
## 3600 d (thought life
## 3601 d (thought kept
## 3602 d (thought you
## 3603 d (thought warm
## 3604 d (thought got
## 3605 d (thought the
## 3606 d (thought beach
## 3607 d (thought would
## 3608 d (thought be
## 3609 d (thought it
## 3610 d (thought would
## 3611 d (thought be)
## 3612 d (thought goin'
## 3613 d (thought ape
## 3614 d (thought shit
## 3615 d (thought crazy
## 3616 d (thought kept
## 3617 d (thought you
## 3618 d (thought warm
## 3619 d (thought got
## 3620 d (thought the
## 3621 d (thought beach
## 3622 d it takes
## 3623 d it you
## 3624 d it mountain
## 3625 d it high
## 3626 d it kept
## 3627 d it you
## 3628 d it warm
## 3629 d it got
## 3630 d it the
## 3631 d it beach
## 3632 d it takes
## 3633 d it you
## 3634 d it mountain
## 3635 d it high
## 3636 d it life
## 3637 d it kept
## 3638 d it you
## 3639 d it warm
## 3640 d it got
## 3641 d it the
## 3642 d it beach
## 3643 d it would
## 3644 d it be
## 3645 d it (thought
## 3646 d it would
## 3647 d it be)
## 3648 d it goin'
## 3649 d it ape
## 3650 d it shit
## 3651 d it crazy
## 3652 d it kept
## 3653 d it you
## 3654 d it warm
## 3655 d it got
## 3656 d it the
## 3657 d it beach
## 3658 d would takes
## 3659 d would you
## 3660 d would mountain
## 3661 d would high
## 3662 d would kept
## 3663 d would you
## 3664 d would warm
## 3665 d would got
## 3666 d would the
## 3667 d would beach
## 3668 d would takes
## 3669 d would you
## 3670 d would mountain
## 3671 d would high
## 3672 d would life
## 3673 d would kept
## 3674 d would you
## 3675 d would warm
## 3676 d would got
## 3677 d would the
## 3678 d would beach
## 3679 d would be
## 3680 d would (thought
## 3681 d would it
## 3682 d would be)
## 3683 d would goin'
## 3684 d would ape
## 3685 d would shit
## 3686 d would crazy
## 3687 d would kept
## 3688 d would you
## 3689 d would warm
## 3690 d would got
## 3691 d would the
## 3692 d would beach
## 3693 d be) takes
## 3694 d be) you
## 3695 d be) mountain
## 3696 d be) high
## 3697 d be) kept
## 3698 d be) you
## 3699 d be) warm
## 3700 d be) got
## 3701 d be) the
## 3702 d be) beach
## 3703 d be) takes
## 3704 d be) you
## 3705 d be) mountain
## 3706 d be) high
## 3707 d be) life
## 3708 d be) kept
## 3709 d be) you
## 3710 d be) warm
## 3711 d be) got
## 3712 d be) the
## 3713 d be) beach
## 3714 d be) would
## 3715 d be) be
## 3716 d be) (thought
## 3717 d be) it
## 3718 d be) would
## 3719 d be) goin'
## 3720 d be) ape
## 3721 d be) shit
## 3722 d be) crazy
## 3723 d be) kept
## 3724 d be) you
## 3725 d be) warm
## 3726 d be) got
## 3727 d be) the
## 3728 d be) beach
## 3729 a but keepin'
## 3730 a but it
## 3731 a but surreal,
## 3732 a but whatever
## 3733 a but and
## 3734 a but the
## 3735 a but water,
## 3736 a but is
## 3737 a but exactly
## 3738 a but what
## 3739 a but this
## 3740 a but neighborhood
## 3741 a but is
## 3742 a but gettin
## 3743 a this keepin'
## 3744 a this it
## 3745 a this surreal,
## 3746 a this whatever
## 3747 a this and
## 3748 a this the
## 3749 a this water,
## 3750 a this is
## 3751 a this exactly
## 3752 a this what
## 3753 a this but
## 3754 a this neighborhood
## 3755 a this is
## 3756 a this gettin
## 3757 a neighborhood keepin'
## 3758 a neighborhood it
## 3759 a neighborhood surreal,
## 3760 a neighborhood whatever
## 3761 a neighborhood and
## 3762 a neighborhood the
## 3763 a neighborhood water,
## 3764 a neighborhood is
## 3765 a neighborhood exactly
## 3766 a neighborhood what
## 3767 a neighborhood but
## 3768 a neighborhood this
## 3769 a neighborhood is
## 3770 a neighborhood gettin
## 3771 a is keepin'
## 3772 a is it
## 3773 a is surreal,
## 3774 a is whatever
## 3775 a is and
## 3776 a is the
## 3777 a is water,
## 3778 a is exactly
## 3779 a is what
## 3780 a is but
## 3781 a is this
## 3782 a is neighborhood
## 3783 a is gettin
## 3784 a gettin keepin'
## 3785 a gettin it
## 3786 a gettin surreal,
## 3787 a gettin whatever
## 3788 a gettin and
## 3789 a gettin the
## 3790 a gettin water,
## 3791 a gettin is
## 3792 a gettin exactly
## 3793 a gettin what
## 3794 a gettin but
## 3795 a gettin this
## 3796 a gettin neighborhood
## 3797 a gettin is
## 3798 c trippier you
## 3799 c trippier like
## 3800 c trippier sugar
## 3801 c trippier free
## 3802 c trippier since
## 3803 c trippier you
## 3804 c trippier were
## 3805 c trippier born
## 3806 c trippier got
## 3807 c trippier the
## 3808 c trippier beach
## 3809 c trippier you
## 3810 c trippier like
## 3811 c trippier since
## 3812 c trippier you
## 3813 c trippier were
## 3814 c trippier born,
## 3815 c trippier yeah
## 3816 c trippier got
## 3817 c trippier the
## 3818 c trippier beach
## 3819 c trippier i
## 3820 c trippier wanted
## 3821 c trippier every
## 3822 c trippier day
## 3823 c trippier since
## 3824 c trippier you
## 3825 c trippier were
## 3826 c trippier born
## 3827 c trippier got
## 3828 c trippier the
## 3829 c trippier beach
## 3830 c every you
## 3831 c every like
## 3832 c every sugar
## 3833 c every free
## 3834 c every since
## 3835 c every you
## 3836 c every were
## 3837 c every born
## 3838 c every got
## 3839 c every the
## 3840 c every beach
## 3841 c every you
## 3842 c every like
## 3843 c every since
## 3844 c every you
## 3845 c every were
## 3846 c every born,
## 3847 c every yeah
## 3848 c every got
## 3849 c every the
## 3850 c every beach
## 3851 c every i
## 3852 c every wanted
## 3853 c every trippier
## 3854 c every day
## 3855 c every since
## 3856 c every you
## 3857 c every were
## 3858 c every born
## 3859 c every got
## 3860 c every the
## 3861 c every beach
## 3862 c day you
## 3863 c day like
## 3864 c day sugar
## 3865 c day free
## 3866 c day since
## 3867 c day you
## 3868 c day were
## 3869 c day born
## 3870 c day got
## 3871 c day the
## 3872 c day beach
## 3873 c day you
## 3874 c day like
## 3875 c day since
## 3876 c day you
## 3877 c day were
## 3878 c day born,
## 3879 c day yeah
## 3880 c day got
## 3881 c day the
## 3882 c day beach
## 3883 c day i
## 3884 c day wanted
## 3885 c day trippier
## 3886 c day every
## 3887 c day since
## 3888 c day you
## 3889 c day were
## 3890 c day born
## 3891 c day got
## 3892 c day the
## 3893 c day beach
## 3894 g the neighborhood
## 3895 g the is
## 3896 g neighborhood the
## 3897 g neighborhood is
## 3898 g is the
## 3899 g is neighborhood
## 3900 d goin' takes
## 3901 d goin' you
## 3902 d goin' mountain
## 3903 d goin' high
## 3904 d goin' kept
## 3905 d goin' you
## 3906 d goin' warm
## 3907 d goin' got
## 3908 d goin' the
## 3909 d goin' beach
## 3910 d goin' takes
## 3911 d goin' you
## 3912 d goin' mountain
## 3913 d goin' high
## 3914 d goin' life
## 3915 d goin' kept
## 3916 d goin' you
## 3917 d goin' warm
## 3918 d goin' got
## 3919 d goin' the
## 3920 d goin' beach
## 3921 d goin' would
## 3922 d goin' be
## 3923 d goin' (thought
## 3924 d goin' it
## 3925 d goin' would
## 3926 d goin' be)
## 3927 d goin' ape
## 3928 d goin' shit
## 3929 d goin' crazy
## 3930 d goin' kept
## 3931 d goin' you
## 3932 d goin' warm
## 3933 d goin' got
## 3934 d goin' the
## 3935 d goin' beach
## 3936 d ape takes
## 3937 d ape you
## 3938 d ape mountain
## 3939 d ape high
## 3940 d ape kept
## 3941 d ape you
## 3942 d ape warm
## 3943 d ape got
## 3944 d ape the
## 3945 d ape beach
## 3946 d ape takes
## 3947 d ape you
## 3948 d ape mountain
## 3949 d ape high
## 3950 d ape life
## 3951 d ape kept
## 3952 d ape you
## 3953 d ape warm
## 3954 d ape got
## 3955 d ape the
## 3956 d ape beach
## 3957 d ape would
## 3958 d ape be
## 3959 d ape (thought
## 3960 d ape it
## 3961 d ape would
## 3962 d ape be)
## 3963 d ape goin'
## 3964 d ape shit
## 3965 d ape crazy
## 3966 d ape kept
## 3967 d ape you
## 3968 d ape warm
## 3969 d ape got
## 3970 d ape the
## 3971 d ape beach
## 3972 d shit takes
## 3973 d shit you
## 3974 d shit mountain
## 3975 d shit high
## 3976 d shit kept
## 3977 d shit you
## 3978 d shit warm
## 3979 d shit got
## 3980 d shit the
## 3981 d shit beach
## 3982 d shit takes
## 3983 d shit you
## 3984 d shit mountain
## 3985 d shit high
## 3986 d shit life
## 3987 d shit kept
## 3988 d shit you
## 3989 d shit warm
## 3990 d shit got
## 3991 d shit the
## 3992 d shit beach
## 3993 d shit would
## 3994 d shit be
## 3995 d shit (thought
## 3996 d shit it
## 3997 d shit would
## 3998 d shit be)
## 3999 d shit goin'
## 4000 d shit ape
## 4001 d shit crazy
## 4002 d shit kept
## 4003 d shit you
## 4004 d shit warm
## 4005 d shit got
## 4006 d shit the
## 4007 d shit beach
## 4008 d crazy takes
## 4009 d crazy you
## 4010 d crazy mountain
## 4011 d crazy high
## 4012 d crazy kept
## 4013 d crazy you
## 4014 d crazy warm
## 4015 d crazy got
## 4016 d crazy the
## 4017 d crazy beach
## 4018 d crazy takes
## 4019 d crazy you
## 4020 d crazy mountain
## 4021 d crazy high
## 4022 d crazy life
## 4023 d crazy kept
## 4024 d crazy you
## 4025 d crazy warm
## 4026 d crazy got
## 4027 d crazy the
## 4028 d crazy beach
## 4029 d crazy would
## 4030 d crazy be
## 4031 d crazy (thought
## 4032 d crazy it
## 4033 d crazy would
## 4034 d crazy be)
## 4035 d crazy goin'
## 4036 d crazy ape
## 4037 d crazy shit
## 4038 d crazy kept
## 4039 d crazy you
## 4040 d crazy warm
## 4041 d crazy got
## 4042 d crazy the
## 4043 d crazy beach
## 4044 a you've had
## 4045 a you've a
## 4046 a you've landscaper
## 4047 a you've and
## 4048 a you've a
## 4049 a you've house
## 4050 a you've keepe
## 4051 a you've had
## 4052 a you've a
## 4053 a you've landscaper
## 4054 a you've and
## 4055 a you've a
## 4056 a you've house
## 4057 a you've keepe
## 4058 a you've had
## 4059 a you've a
## 4060 a you've landscaper
## 4061 a you've and
## 4062 a you've a
## 4063 a you've house
## 4064 a you've keepe
## 4065 a had you've
## 4066 a had a
## 4067 a had landscaper
## 4068 a had and
## 4069 a had a
## 4070 a had house
## 4071 a had keepe
## 4072 a had you've
## 4073 a had a
## 4074 a had landscaper
## 4075 a had and
## 4076 a had a
## 4077 a had house
## 4078 a had keepe
## 4079 a had you've
## 4080 a had a
## 4081 a had landscaper
## 4082 a had and
## 4083 a had a
## 4084 a had house
## 4085 a had keepe
## 4086 a a you've
## 4087 a a had
## 4088 a a landscaper
## 4089 a a and
## 4090 a a house
## 4091 a a keepe
## 4092 a a you've
## 4093 a a had
## 4094 a a landscaper
## 4095 a a and
## 4096 a a house
## 4097 a a keepe
## 4098 a a you've
## 4099 a a had
## 4100 a a landscaper
## 4101 a a and
## 4102 a a house
## 4103 a a keepe
## 4104 a landscaper you've
## 4105 a landscaper had
## 4106 a landscaper a
## 4107 a landscaper and
## 4108 a landscaper a
## 4109 a landscaper house
## 4110 a landscaper keepe
## 4111 a landscaper you've
## 4112 a landscaper had
## 4113 a landscaper a
## 4114 a landscaper and
## 4115 a landscaper a
## 4116 a landscaper house
## 4117 a landscaper keepe
## 4118 a landscaper you've
## 4119 a landscaper had
## 4120 a landscaper a
## 4121 a landscaper and
## 4122 a landscaper a
## 4123 a landscaper house
## 4124 a landscaper keepe
## 4125 a and you've
## 4126 a and had
## 4127 a and a
## 4128 a and landscaper
## 4129 a and a
## 4130 a and house
## 4131 a and keepe
## 4132 a and you've
## 4133 a and had
## 4134 a and a
## 4135 a and landscaper
## 4136 a and a
## 4137 a and house
## 4138 a and keepe
## 4139 a and you've
## 4140 a and had
## 4141 a and a
## 4142 a and landscaper
## 4143 a and a
## 4144 a and house
## 4145 a and keepe
## 4146 a a you've
## 4147 a a had
## 4148 a a landscaper
## 4149 a a and
## 4150 a a house
## 4151 a a keepe
## 4152 a a you've
## 4153 a a had
## 4154 a a landscaper
## 4155 a a and
## 4156 a a house
## 4157 a a keepe
## 4158 a a you've
## 4159 a a had
## 4160 a a landscaper
## 4161 a a and
## 4162 a a house
## 4163 a a keepe
## 4164 a house you've
## 4165 a house had
## 4166 a house a
## 4167 a house landscaper
## 4168 a house and
## 4169 a house a
## 4170 a house keepe
## 4171 a house you've
## 4172 a house had
## 4173 a house a
## 4174 a house landscaper
## 4175 a house and
## 4176 a house a
## 4177 a house keepe
## 4178 a house you've
## 4179 a house had
## 4180 a house a
## 4181 a house landscaper
## 4182 a house and
## 4183 a house a
## 4184 a house keepe
## 4185 a keepe you've
## 4186 a keepe had
## 4187 a keepe a
## 4188 a keepe landscaper
## 4189 a keepe and
## 4190 a keepe a
## 4191 a keepe house
## 4192 a keepe you've
## 4193 a keepe had
## 4194 a keepe a
## 4195 a keepe landscaper
## 4196 a keepe and
## 4197 a keepe a
## 4198 a keepe house
## 4199 a keepe you've
## 4200 a keepe had
## 4201 a keepe a
## 4202 a keepe landscaper
## 4203 a keepe and
## 4204 a keepe a
## 4205 a keepe house
## 4206 c since you
## 4207 c since like
## 4208 c since sugar
## 4209 c since free
## 4210 c since you
## 4211 c since were
## 4212 c since born
## 4213 c since got
## 4214 c since the
## 4215 c since beach
## 4216 c since you
## 4217 c since like
## 4218 c since you
## 4219 c since were
## 4220 c since born,
## 4221 c since yeah
## 4222 c since got
## 4223 c since the
## 4224 c since beach
## 4225 c since i
## 4226 c since wanted
## 4227 c since trippier
## 4228 c since every
## 4229 c since day
## 4230 c since you
## 4231 c since were
## 4232 c since born
## 4233 c since got
## 4234 c since the
## 4235 c since beach
## 4236 c you like
## 4237 c you sugar
## 4238 c you free
## 4239 c you since
## 4240 c you were
## 4241 c you born
## 4242 c you got
## 4243 c you the
## 4244 c you beach
## 4245 c you like
## 4246 c you since
## 4247 c you were
## 4248 c you born,
## 4249 c you yeah
## 4250 c you got
## 4251 c you the
## 4252 c you beach
## 4253 c you i
## 4254 c you wanted
## 4255 c you trippier
## 4256 c you every
## 4257 c you day
## 4258 c you since
## 4259 c you were
## 4260 c you born
## 4261 c you got
## 4262 c you the
## 4263 c you beach
## 4264 c were you
## 4265 c were like
## 4266 c were sugar
## 4267 c were free
## 4268 c were since
## 4269 c were you
## 4270 c were born
## 4271 c were got
## 4272 c were the
## 4273 c were beach
## 4274 c were you
## 4275 c were like
## 4276 c were since
## 4277 c were you
## 4278 c were born,
## 4279 c were yeah
## 4280 c were got
## 4281 c were the
## 4282 c were beach
## 4283 c were i
## 4284 c were wanted
## 4285 c were trippier
## 4286 c were every
## 4287 c were day
## 4288 c were since
## 4289 c were you
## 4290 c were born
## 4291 c were got
## 4292 c were the
## 4293 c were beach
## 4294 c born you
## 4295 c born like
## 4296 c born sugar
## 4297 c born free
## 4298 c born since
## 4299 c born you
## 4300 c born were
## 4301 c born got
## 4302 c born the
## 4303 c born beach
## 4304 c born you
## 4305 c born like
## 4306 c born since
## 4307 c born you
## 4308 c born were
## 4309 c born born,
## 4310 c born yeah
## 4311 c born got
## 4312 c born the
## 4313 c born beach
## 4314 c born i
## 4315 c born wanted
## 4316 c born trippier
## 4317 c born every
## 4318 c born day
## 4319 c born since
## 4320 c born you
## 4321 c born were
## 4322 c born got
## 4323 c born the
## 4324 c born beach
## 4325 g the sunshine
## 4326 g the alway
## 4327 g the sunshine
## 4328 g the alway
## 4329 g the sunshine
## 4330 g the alway
## 4331 g sunshine the
## 4332 g sunshine alway
## 4333 g sunshine the
## 4334 g sunshine alway
## 4335 g sunshine the
## 4336 g sunshine alway
## 4337 g alway the
## 4338 g alway sunshine
## 4339 g alway the
## 4340 g alway sunshine
## 4341 g alway the
## 4342 g alway sunshine
## 4343 d kept takes
## 4344 d kept you
## 4345 d kept mountain
## 4346 d kept high
## 4347 d kept you
## 4348 d kept warm
## 4349 d kept got
## 4350 d kept the
## 4351 d kept beach
## 4352 d kept takes
## 4353 d kept you
## 4354 d kept mountain
## 4355 d kept high
## 4356 d kept life
## 4357 d kept you
## 4358 d kept warm
## 4359 d kept got
## 4360 d kept the
## 4361 d kept beach
## 4362 d kept would
## 4363 d kept be
## 4364 d kept (thought
## 4365 d kept it
## 4366 d kept would
## 4367 d kept be)
## 4368 d kept goin'
## 4369 d kept ape
## 4370 d kept shit
## 4371 d kept crazy
## 4372 d kept you
## 4373 d kept warm
## 4374 d kept got
## 4375 d kept the
## 4376 d kept beach
## 4377 d you takes
## 4378 d you mountain
## 4379 d you high
## 4380 d you kept
## 4381 d you warm
## 4382 d you got
## 4383 d you the
## 4384 d you beach
## 4385 d you takes
## 4386 d you mountain
## 4387 d you high
## 4388 d you life
## 4389 d you kept
## 4390 d you warm
## 4391 d you got
## 4392 d you the
## 4393 d you beach
## 4394 d you would
## 4395 d you be
## 4396 d you (thought
## 4397 d you it
## 4398 d you would
## 4399 d you be)
## 4400 d you goin'
## 4401 d you ape
## 4402 d you shit
## 4403 d you crazy
## 4404 d you kept
## 4405 d you warm
## 4406 d you got
## 4407 d you the
## 4408 d you beach
## 4409 d warm takes
## 4410 d warm you
## 4411 d warm mountain
## 4412 d warm high
## 4413 d warm kept
## 4414 d warm you
## 4415 d warm got
## 4416 d warm the
## 4417 d warm beach
## 4418 d warm takes
## 4419 d warm you
## 4420 d warm mountain
## 4421 d warm high
## 4422 d warm life
## 4423 d warm kept
## 4424 d warm you
## 4425 d warm got
## 4426 d warm the
## 4427 d warm beach
## 4428 d warm would
## 4429 d warm be
## 4430 d warm (thought
## 4431 d warm it
## 4432 d warm would
## 4433 d warm be)
## 4434 d warm goin'
## 4435 d warm ape
## 4436 d warm shit
## 4437 d warm crazy
## 4438 d warm kept
## 4439 d warm you
## 4440 d warm got
## 4441 d warm the
## 4442 d warm beach
## 4443 a so why
## 4444 a so see
## 4445 a so the
## 4446 a so world,
## 4447 a so when
## 4448 a so you
## 4449 a so why
## 4450 a so see
## 4451 a so the
## 4452 a so world,
## 4453 a so when
## 4454 a so you
## 4455 a so why
## 4456 a so see
## 4457 a so the
## 4458 a so world,
## 4459 a so when
## 4460 a so you
## 4461 a why so
## 4462 a why see
## 4463 a why the
## 4464 a why world,
## 4465 a why when
## 4466 a why you
## 4467 a why so
## 4468 a why see
## 4469 a why the
## 4470 a why world,
## 4471 a why when
## 4472 a why you
## 4473 a why so
## 4474 a why see
## 4475 a why the
## 4476 a why world,
## 4477 a why when
## 4478 a why you
## 4479 a see so
## 4480 a see why
## 4481 a see the
## 4482 a see world,
## 4483 a see when
## 4484 a see you
## 4485 a see so
## 4486 a see why
## 4487 a see the
## 4488 a see world,
## 4489 a see when
## 4490 a see you
## 4491 a see so
## 4492 a see why
## 4493 a see the
## 4494 a see world,
## 4495 a see when
## 4496 a see you
## 4497 a the so
## 4498 a the why
## 4499 a the see
## 4500 a the world,
## 4501 a the when
## 4502 a the you
## 4503 a the so
## 4504 a the why
## 4505 a the see
## 4506 a the world,
## 4507 a the when
## 4508 a the you
## 4509 a the so
## 4510 a the why
## 4511 a the see
## 4512 a the world,
## 4513 a the when
## 4514 a the you
## 4515 a world, so
## 4516 a world, why
## 4517 a world, see
## 4518 a world, the
## 4519 a world, when
## 4520 a world, you
## 4521 a world, so
## 4522 a world, why
## 4523 a world, see
## 4524 a world, the
## 4525 a world, when
## 4526 a world, you
## 4527 a world, so
## 4528 a world, why
## 4529 a world, see
## 4530 a world, the
## 4531 a world, when
## 4532 a world, you
## 4533 a when so
## 4534 a when why
## 4535 a when see
## 4536 a when the
## 4537 a when world,
## 4538 a when you
## 4539 a when so
## 4540 a when why
## 4541 a when see
## 4542 a when the
## 4543 a when world,
## 4544 a when you
## 4545 a when so
## 4546 a when why
## 4547 a when see
## 4548 a when the
## 4549 a when world,
## 4550 a when you
## 4551 a you so
## 4552 a you why
## 4553 a you see
## 4554 a you the
## 4555 a you world,
## 4556 a you when
## 4557 a you so
## 4558 a you why
## 4559 a you see
## 4560 a you the
## 4561 a you world,
## 4562 a you when
## 4563 a you so
## 4564 a you why
## 4565 a you see
## 4566 a you the
## 4567 a you world,
## 4568 a you when
## 4569 c got you
## 4570 c got like
## 4571 c got sugar
## 4572 c got free
## 4573 c got since
## 4574 c got you
## 4575 c got were
## 4576 c got born
## 4577 c got the
## 4578 c got beach
## 4579 c got you
## 4580 c got like
## 4581 c got since
## 4582 c got you
## 4583 c got were
## 4584 c got born,
## 4585 c got yeah
## 4586 c got the
## 4587 c got beach
## 4588 c got i
## 4589 c got wanted
## 4590 c got trippier
## 4591 c got every
## 4592 c got day
## 4593 c got since
## 4594 c got you
## 4595 c got were
## 4596 c got born
## 4597 c got the
## 4598 c got beach
## 4599 c the you
## 4600 c the like
## 4601 c the sugar
## 4602 c the free
## 4603 c the since
## 4604 c the you
## 4605 c the were
## 4606 c the born
## 4607 c the got
## 4608 c the beach
## 4609 c the you
## 4610 c the like
## 4611 c the since
## 4612 c the you
## 4613 c the were
## 4614 c the born,
## 4615 c the yeah
## 4616 c the got
## 4617 c the beach
## 4618 c the i
## 4619 c the wanted
## 4620 c the trippier
## 4621 c the every
## 4622 c the day
## 4623 c the since
## 4624 c the you
## 4625 c the were
## 4626 c the born
## 4627 c the got
## 4628 c the beach
## 4629 c beach you
## 4630 c beach like
## 4631 c beach sugar
## 4632 c beach free
## 4633 c beach since
## 4634 c beach you
## 4635 c beach were
## 4636 c beach born
## 4637 c beach got
## 4638 c beach the
## 4639 c beach you
## 4640 c beach like
## 4641 c beach since
## 4642 c beach you
## 4643 c beach were
## 4644 c beach born,
## 4645 c beach yeah
## 4646 c beach got
## 4647 c beach the
## 4648 c beach i
## 4649 c beach wanted
## 4650 c beach trippier
## 4651 c beach every
## 4652 c beach day
## 4653 c beach since
## 4654 c beach you
## 4655 c beach were
## 4656 c beach born
## 4657 c beach got
## 4658 c beach the
## 4659 g don't know
## 4660 g don't why
## 4661 g don't see
## 4662 g don't the
## 4663 g don't world,
## 4664 g don't when
## 4665 g don't you
## 4666 g don't know
## 4667 g don't why
## 4668 g don't see
## 4669 g don't the
## 4670 g don't world,
## 4671 g don't when
## 4672 g don't you
## 4673 g don't know
## 4674 g don't why
## 4675 g don't see
## 4676 g don't the
## 4677 g don't world,
## 4678 g don't when
## 4679 g don't you
## 4680 g know don't
## 4681 g know why
## 4682 g know see
## 4683 g know the
## 4684 g know world,
## 4685 g know when
## 4686 g know you
## 4687 g know don't
## 4688 g know why
## 4689 g know see
## 4690 g know the
## 4691 g know world,
## 4692 g know when
## 4693 g know you
## 4694 g know don't
## 4695 g know why
## 4696 g know see
## 4697 g know the
## 4698 g know world,
## 4699 g know when
## 4700 g know you
## 4701 g why don't
## 4702 g why know
## 4703 g why see
## 4704 g why the
## 4705 g why world,
## 4706 g why when
## 4707 g why you
## 4708 g why don't
## 4709 g why know
## 4710 g why see
## 4711 g why the
## 4712 g why world,
## 4713 g why when
## 4714 g why you
## 4715 g why don't
## 4716 g why know
## 4717 g why see
## 4718 g why the
## 4719 g why world,
## 4720 g why when
## 4721 g why you
## 4722 g see don't
## 4723 g see know
## 4724 g see why
## 4725 g see the
## 4726 g see world,
## 4727 g see when
## 4728 g see you
## 4729 g see don't
## 4730 g see know
## 4731 g see why
## 4732 g see the
## 4733 g see world,
## 4734 g see when
## 4735 g see you
## 4736 g see don't
## 4737 g see know
## 4738 g see why
## 4739 g see the
## 4740 g see world,
## 4741 g see when
## 4742 g see you
## 4743 g the don't
## 4744 g the know
## 4745 g the why
## 4746 g the see
## 4747 g the world,
## 4748 g the when
## 4749 g the you
## 4750 g the don't
## 4751 g the know
## 4752 g the why
## 4753 g the see
## 4754 g the world,
## 4755 g the when
## 4756 g the you
## 4757 g the don't
## 4758 g the know
## 4759 g the why
## 4760 g the see
## 4761 g the world,
## 4762 g the when
## 4763 g the you
## 4764 g world, don't
## 4765 g world, know
## 4766 g world, why
## 4767 g world, see
## 4768 g world, the
## 4769 g world, when
## 4770 g world, you
## 4771 g world, don't
## 4772 g world, know
## 4773 g world, why
## 4774 g world, see
## 4775 g world, the
## 4776 g world, when
## 4777 g world, you
## 4778 g world, don't
## 4779 g world, know
## 4780 g world, why
## 4781 g world, see
## 4782 g world, the
## 4783 g world, when
## 4784 g world, you
## 4785 g when don't
## 4786 g when know
## 4787 g when why
## 4788 g when see
## 4789 g when the
## 4790 g when world,
## 4791 g when you
## 4792 g when don't
## 4793 g when know
## 4794 g when why
## 4795 g when see
## 4796 g when the
## 4797 g when world,
## 4798 g when you
## 4799 g when don't
## 4800 g when know
## 4801 g when why
## 4802 g when see
## 4803 g when the
## 4804 g when world,
## 4805 g when you
## 4806 g you don't
## 4807 g you know
## 4808 g you why
## 4809 g you see
## 4810 g you the
## 4811 g you world,
## 4812 g you when
## 4813 g you don't
## 4814 g you know
## 4815 g you why
## 4816 g you see
## 4817 g you the
## 4818 g you world,
## 4819 g you when
## 4820 g you don't
## 4821 g you know
## 4822 g you why
## 4823 g you see
## 4824 g you the
## 4825 g you world,
## 4826 g you when
## 4827 d got takes
## 4828 d got you
## 4829 d got mountain
## 4830 d got high
## 4831 d got kept
## 4832 d got you
## 4833 d got warm
## 4834 d got the
## 4835 d got beach
## 4836 d got takes
## 4837 d got you
## 4838 d got mountain
## 4839 d got high
## 4840 d got life
## 4841 d got kept
## 4842 d got you
## 4843 d got warm
## 4844 d got the
## 4845 d got beach
## 4846 d got would
## 4847 d got be
## 4848 d got (thought
## 4849 d got it
## 4850 d got would
## 4851 d got be)
## 4852 d got goin'
## 4853 d got ape
## 4854 d got shit
## 4855 d got crazy
## 4856 d got kept
## 4857 d got you
## 4858 d got warm
## 4859 d got the
## 4860 d got beach
## 4861 d the takes
## 4862 d the you
## 4863 d the mountain
## 4864 d the high
## 4865 d the kept
## 4866 d the you
## 4867 d the warm
## 4868 d the got
## 4869 d the beach
## 4870 d the takes
## 4871 d the you
## 4872 d the mountain
## 4873 d the high
## 4874 d the life
## 4875 d the kept
## 4876 d the you
## 4877 d the warm
## 4878 d the got
## 4879 d the beach
## 4880 d the would
## 4881 d the be
## 4882 d the (thought
## 4883 d the it
## 4884 d the would
## 4885 d the be)
## 4886 d the goin'
## 4887 d the ape
## 4888 d the shit
## 4889 d the crazy
## 4890 d the kept
## 4891 d the you
## 4892 d the warm
## 4893 d the got
## 4894 d the beach
## 4895 d beach takes
## 4896 d beach you
## 4897 d beach mountain
## 4898 d beach high
## 4899 d beach kept
## 4900 d beach you
## 4901 d beach warm
## 4902 d beach got
## 4903 d beach the
## 4904 d beach takes
## 4905 d beach you
## 4906 d beach mountain
## 4907 d beach high
## 4908 d beach life
## 4909 d beach kept
## 4910 d beach you
## 4911 d beach warm
## 4912 d beach got
## 4913 d beach the
## 4914 d beach would
## 4915 d beach be
## 4916 d beach (thought
## 4917 d beach it
## 4918 d beach would
## 4919 d beach be)
## 4920 d beach goin'
## 4921 d beach ape
## 4922 d beach shit
## 4923 d beach crazy
## 4924 d beach kept
## 4925 d beach you
## 4926 d beach warm
## 4927 d beach got
## 4928 d beach the
## 4929 c turn the
## 4930 c turn best
## 4931 c turn song
## 4932 c turn wasn't
## 4933 c turn the
## 4934 c turn single,
## 4935 c turn but
## 4936 c turn you
## 4937 c turn couldn't
## 4938 d grave you're
## 4939 d grave catching
## 4940 d grave that
## 4941 d grave breeze
## 4942 d grave 'til
## 4943 d grave you're
## 4944 d grave dead
## 4945 d grave in
## 4946 d grave the
- Create network: put words and their connections together.
## Network attributes:
## vertices = 130
## directed = FALSE
## hyper = FALSE
## loops = FALSE
## multiple = FALSE
## bipartite = FALSE
## total edges= 4946
## missing edges= 0
## non-missing edges= 4946
## Vertex attribute names:
## vertex.names
## Edge attribute names not shown
- Plot the network!
Figure 2: Network of words with connections created when two words are played in the same chord
Let’s have some descriptive information out of this visualization. For example, is the network partitioned in groups? Since words are connected with each other when played in the same chord, it could is plausible to reason that they are played together because meant to express similar feelings or emotions, or for other patterns that the artist wants to convey. To extract this information, we can use the concept of modularity, which goes from 0 to 1 and states that “the possible existence of clusters is revealed by the comparison between the actual density of edges in a subgraph and the density one would expect to have in the subgraph if the vertices of the graph were attached regardless of community structure.” (Fortunato, 2010, p. 89)
chords.dat <- chorrrds::create_dat("Frank Ocean", "Sweet Life") <- chorrrds::create_net(chords.dat)
network <- = 2000, # number of words in the song
ncol = 2))
names(network) <- c("chord", "lyric")
for (i in 1:nrow( { # verses
for (j in 1:stringr::str_count([i,2], "\\w+")) { # words
network[ match(as.numeric(, expand.grid(i,j))),
sort(as.numeric(, expand.grid(1:nrow(, 1:max(apply(, 1, function(x) stringr::str_count(x[2], "\\w+")))))))), 1] <-[i, 1]
network[ match(as.numeric(, expand.grid(i,j))),
sort(as.numeric(, expand.grid(1:nrow(, 1:max(apply(, 1, function(x) stringr::str_count(x[2], "\\w+")))))))), 2] <- unlist(stringr::str_split($lyric[i], " "))[j]
network <- network %>% na.omit
edgelist <- network %>%
inner_join(., select(., chord, lyric), by = "chord") %>%
filter(lyric.x != lyric.y) %>%
.[, 2:3]
inet <- igraph::graph_from_data_frame(edgelist, directed = F)
mod <- graph_from_edgelist(as.matrix(edgelist[, c(1:2)]), directed = FALSE)
mod2 <- cluster_louvain(mod)
modularity(mod, membership(mod2))
## [1] 0.4926624
According to Newman & Girvan (2004), a minimum threshold to detect the partitioning of a graph is 0.3, with typical values ranging from 0.3 to 0.7. The value of 0.32 shows that, indeed, the words of this song seem to be clustered when the chord in which they are played is taken into account. This could mean many things, for example that words are played in a certain chord because they are generally linked to positive or negative sentiments (e.g., Brand, Acerbi, & Mesoudi, 2019). Since chords themselves could be put on an emotional axis – with minor chords linked to negative emotions and major chords to positive emotions – interesting patterns could emerge from this type of analyses.
The introduction of these two new functions could be an interesting addition to users of the chorrrds
package, adding flexibility to explore the connections between lyrics and chords in different types of analyses. Enjoy!
A special thanks to Bruna Wundervald, the developer of the chorrrds
package, for the help and for the inclusion of these functions in her package :)
Another special thanks to Edo for the help during the code writing process :)
If you encounter any problem with the functions or want to give suggestions about how to improve the code drop me a line (! I’ll be happy to further break my head over it.
Arjmand, H.-A., Hohagen, J., Paton, B., & Rickard, N. S. (2017). Emotional Responses to Music: Shifts in Frontal Brain Asymmetry Mark Periods of Musical Change. Frontiers in Psychology, 8. DOI
Brand, C., Acerbi, A., & Mesoudi, A. (2019). Cultural evolution of emotional expression in 50 years of song lyrics. Evolutionary Human Sciences, 1, E11. DOI
Fortunato, S. (2010). Community detection in graphs. Physics Report, 75–174. DOI
Newman, M., & Girvan, M. (2004). Finding and evaluating community structure in networks. Physical, Review, 1-15. DOI